Beachin' Sex

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With the first drops of icy cold water on the heated skin of your bare back, you screech, "HARRY! That's cold!" His infectious, childlike giggle flits away in the warm Bahama breeze. Using your arms to prop up, you turn your head and glare at him. Shaking himself like a puppy, Harry laughs as the droplets land on your towel, in the sand, and, naturally, on you.

This trip to the Beach House on Musha Cay is to celebrate the six month anniversary of your first date, and still Harry takes your breath away every day. Gazing at him now through your sunglasses, you shield your eyes from the bright sun while surveying his naked torso. The water pulled his swim trunks low, and his happy trail framed by those laurels makes your lady parts tingle. Plucking the sunscreen from its spot in the sand, Harry kneels next to you as he opens the bottle and squirts some on your back.

"Whale, hello there. Turning a little pink here, babe," he murmurs, as he starts to massage the lotion into your shoulders.

"Mmmmmm," you sigh, relaxing once more, laying your head on your folded arms, rolling your eyes with his newest pun. You might doze off if he continues this smooth motion over your skin. His long, elegant fingers glide along your muscles, kneading until the lotion is fully absorbed. As he finishes your back, he shifts, adding sunscreen to your calves and feet, massaging those too. Oh, yes. This is definitely heaven on earth.

Harry starts humming one of his newer tunes as he works his way up your calves to your thighs, and the sensual strokes have a different effect on you now. Sighing as his hands move closer to the apex of your thighs, you slide your legs apart just a bit.

"I hope you make sure all of my body parts are covered with lotion, Harry," you purr, "Wouldn't want any important bits to get sunburned.

The humming and movement of his hands stops abruptly, and you lift your head to see what's happened. But then his hand wanders there -- to that place where your wetness concentrates, and you lower your head once more, stifling a groan of pleasure.

Harry's husky voice floats to you, "Guess we don't want you to burn here either," as his hand dips under the waist of your bikini bottoms. You shiver at his touch on your ass, and he starts humming again as he continues to massage your glutes; only it's more of a caress now. Your legs drift further apart as Harry's long fingers start to dip closer to your core.

Unwittingly, a moan escapes, and you want to shift around to face your boyfriend, but he has other ideas as he splays one hand on your back to hold you down, carefully removing your bikini bottoms. You squirm at the air on your exposed flesh, and then cry out when you feel Harry's tongue. You're still on your stomach, and Harry is kneeling between your splayed legs, licking your wet entrance from front to back.

"Ahhhhhaaaahhaa," you giggle and squeal at the sensation. When he starts to suckle your clit, you bend your knees, extending your naked ass into the air to give him better access. Inside you are melting, getting wetter the closer you get to your orgasm. You've had enough of this, though. You want to watch him, so you throw one leg over his shoulder as you twist onto your back. Harry barely pauses, reaching up to grab your breast and knead it while his mouth continues to work on you.

His soft lips kiss your pussy as his tongue dips into you. The panting noise you hear is distracting until you realize it's coming from you. A whimper escapes as he latches onto your clit, flicking it with his tongue. Grabbing at his hair, you try to pull him further into you, but you're unsuccessful, as he backs out, sliding a finger along your thigh.

As you feel his finger approach, you also realize that it's covered in sand. Abrasive sand. Itchy sand. Sitting up abruptly, you back away in horror.

"What?" Harry inquires, heavy-lidded, "You were so close."

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