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"Okay, so Mum will be the guard, right?" Gemma nudges you, nodding towards Anne. "You and I will go after the boys' flag."

"Why do I have to be the guard?" Anne pouts.

"Duh," Gemma laughs, "Harry and Michal wouldn't dare hurt you, and Darren can be bribed."

"True," you concur, ready to get on with the game. "I vote we hide our flag in the painted mailbox."

"Oh, good plan!" Anne claps her hands excitedly. While the boys wait inside with Gemma as a watchperson, you and Anne place the green flag in one of Anne's art creations – an old mailbox she's painted in multiple bright colours and set out for the birds to build nests in spring.

As the boys, their flag already hidden, swoop from the house, Harry grabs you around the waist, pressing a light-hearted kiss to your nose. "You're going down, darling!"

"Not a chance!" You laugh, pushing him away. Moving to neutral ground, the teams square up. Anne, considered the most fair, blows a whistle to start the game, and everyone moves in seemingly random directions. Catching a glimpse of the purple flag under one of Anne's sculptures, you race towards that side of the garden, but in a zigzag pattern so Michal and Darren might not know where you're going. Harry is clearly hanging back as the guard. Behind you, you can hear Anne and Gemma trying to keep their respective boyfriends from the flag, using whatever means necessary.

You know that's the case for you too. Winning this competition is everything, so as you approach and get close to the flag, you get blocked by Harry who moves side to side, waving you away from the hiding place.

"Love! It's not this way. It's over there," Harry calls to you while pointing in a different section of the garden. "Look near the gnome."

But you are well aware of his falsehood, knowing exactly where the flag is, but he continues to block you.

"Come on, H. I'm just trying to take a little stroll over by Dotty." You point to the cat lounging nearby. "She looks thirsty, and I want to make sure she knows where her water dish is."

Meanwhile, the yelling behind you continues.

"They're getting closer!" Gemma yells at you. "Do something!"

Oh well. Nothing to lose but the game, right? It's all about winning. Without warning, you grab the hem of your shirt and flash your covered tits at Harry. He freezes, mouth dropping open, which gives you just enough time to dart past him and grab the flag, holding it over your head.

"WINNER!" You scream. Anne and Gemma squeal, and you meet them in the neutral ground as the three of you celebrate your victory with an enthusiastic hug.


Tesco. Your least favourite chore, especially on an evening when you simply want to cuddle up with your guy after a long day at work. In the car, your pout is apparent as you sit in the passenger seat with your arms crossed.

"Don't wanna shop," you scowl. "Just wanna watch the 'Succession' finale with you."

"We don't have any food," Harry points out logically, making you want to punch him. So you do. "Ouch!" Pulling into the parking lot, Harry playfully pokes you. "How about a little competition?"

Intrigued but not willing to give in just yet, you twist to him. He holds up the shopping list from the magnetic refrigerator pad, ripping it in half before handing one side to you.

"First person back to the car with all of the items on the list wins."

Narrowing your eyes, you examine your list. "What if something is out of stock?"

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