Hole in One

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The sky is the bluest it's been in months, and I hear birds singing from the trees surrounding the private course. My clubs have been unused for far too long, and I cannot wait to feel the grass beneath my feet. Spying my grandparents talking to a young man who I assume is the club's pro, I make my way in their direction, eager to get onto the green. The giddy skip in my step is undeniably partly due to the excitement of playing the game again, but mostly because I've not seen my jetsetter grandparents since Christmas.

"Grammy! Gramps!" I call, my hand waving as they turn towards me. Wrapping my grandmother in a hug, I put out my hand for a high five with my grandfather. Gleefully, he obliges.

"So glad you could join us!" Grammy whoops. "Let me look at you." Taking my hands, she steps back to survey me in that way that must be a full chapter in the Grandparent Training Manual. "Looking sexy as hell," she laughs, her greeting likely not in that same manual. "Twirl for us." She makes that motion with her finger, and I oblige.

As I spin around, my skort not moving in any way that would make a twirl necessary, my grandfather applauds as if I were a five year old at her first ballet recital.

"Two of the biggest dorks I know," I giggle. "I'm so happy to see you!" Excitedly, I pull them in for a group hug, wondering why the golf pro hasn't excused himself yet. So when I step back, I pointedly look in his direction.

And promptly freeze.

Fuck. Nope. Not the golf pro. Nor the course manager. Not anyone who works at the place.

"Hi. I'm Harry." He leans forward to shake my hand, his left leg raising behind him as a counterbalance to his inclining body. "You must be Birdy."

Horrified, I grasp his warm hand, my eyes roaming over his face with that stupid hair clip firmly holding back his bangs and his green eyes examining me, a smile on his face as his dimple deepens. Flustered, I don't give him my birth name. "A nickname, of course," I remark inanely.

"I'm just hoping it doesn't bode ill for my game today." His gray pants are matched with a dark blue pullover sweater, a white turtleneck underneath.

How my mouth continues to work is beyond me, but I throw my head back and laugh loudly. Probably too loudly as I'm feeling a mixture of terror and arousal, and the laughter is decidedly nervous. "I've never been a threat to anyone on the golf course," I comment.

"With grandparents as young as yours, I expected someone younger." Harry thinks he's being coy, but my grandmother responds honestly.

"We're ancient, Harry, and our Birdie is 31 now. And not getting any younger." Pointedly, she looks at me as though I had offended her in some way.

"We're up," Gramps points, and we haul our clubs to the first tee.

"What's your handicap?" Harry asks as Gramps swings a few times for practice.

"23," I announce proudly, on the low end of average. "You?"

"14," he brags, adding a wink for good measure, an indication that he is aware of his boast. Not that I can complain since I've also gloated about my below-average number. He's too handsome and charming for my comfort, and I engage my attention on my clubs, polishing my driver before withdrawing it from my bag.

Amiable enough, Harry diverts his focus onto my grandmother, and I'm grateful for the respite to catch my breath.

"You must go first, Vivienne."

I want to interrupt and tell him we always go with the oldest first, which is my gramps, but my grandmother has already fallen for Harry's charm, and she giggles like a schoolgirl as she makes her way to the tee.

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