Birthday Blowjob

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"Sweet Christ Almighty!" Harry swears as he awakens from the fitful sleep he has been in. The sun has just begun to rise over the horizon, and the golden light is beginning to permeate the filmy curtains in his bedroom. At the fringes of his memory are the remnants of what he thought was an incredibly sweet dream, but now that he's more cognizant of his own level of consciousness, it dawns on him that this is no dream.

You know that what wakes him up is the feel of your mouth completely engulfing his glorious manhood. The fact that his morning wood was harder than a rock is more your fault than is typical. Upon opening your own eyes and noting the date and time, you had peeled back the bed sheet from your naked bodies, your mouth watering at the view that was revealed in the moonlight. The feel of his silken skin against your rough tongue has always been pure pleasure for you, so that's where you start, allowing your tongue to take the lead over the ridges of his cock on one side and down the other with a swirl at the tip like you would an ice cream cone. Harry had shifted slightly while he continued to sleep on, and that had allowed you to run your nails under his balls to test his reaction. But it isn't until you draw him completely into your mouth, widening your jaw and pressing your nose into the hair at his base that he wakes up.

Hearing his curse brings a slight smile to your face as you breathe in the scent that is purely Harry as you've got him deep inside your throat. You reach up to rest one hand right over his laurels, and he grasps your hand tightly in his own, wheezing a bit.

"Fuck, love," he murmurs in his sexy, raspy, gravelly morning voice, "What a way to wake up."

Closing your lips over his length, you draw in your cheeks as the suction creates a vacuum. Ever so slowly, using your tongue on the underside, you continue the suction as you pull your head back from his cock, one ridge after another sliding between your lips and over your tongue. The popping sound that comes as you release the head from your mouth is indicative of the strength of your seal.

Breathing hard, even though you've just started, you glance up and beam fully at Harry, "Can't talk now, H. I'm kind of busy," and you immediately lower your mouth once more. This time, you focus purely on the slit at his tip, sliding your tongue back and forth and then swirling your tongue around the head as your hands loosely hold his length.

"HOLY HELL!" he cries out, bucking his hips up slightly, clearly wanting to be deeper inside your mouth again, which is why you use your hands instead, pulling each hand in turn from the base along the shaft, and releasing him only to slide the front hand to the back to repeat the motion. Again and again, you use both hands to gently tug the skin along until reaching the head and repeating the gesture.

"Something wrong, Harry?" you giggle as his hips squirm on the bed.

"Mmmmm....can't....can't...form words..." He starts, but then you once more take his entire length into your mouth and begin bobbing your head up and down. "FUCK!"

His hand is now tangled in your hair, not as a guide, but rather to steady himself and ground himself in the fact that this is real and not a dream from which he has not yet awakened.

Meanwhile, you're using that tongue at his slit every time your mouth approaches it, and you're picking up speed, adding a hand to the base so that you mostly have just the top half of his shaft in your mouth as you move up and back to the rhythm that is pounding in your head. Once more, you use that deep suction to pull him into your mouth and release him with another popping sound.

As your hands take over primary duty, you allow your eyes to wander up his torso, across that butterfly that looks like it's flapping its wings with the heaves of Harry's chest as his breathing rate increases. The morning sunbeams through the window illuminate the swallows, and you draw in your breath as they appear to take flight, drawing your eyes to his perfect chin. Well, almost perfect. That tiny scar is more visible from this angle, as his head is tilted as far back as it can go. You were already wet just from tasting him, but seeing his head tilted back in ecstasy makes your pussy drip onto the sheets.

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