chapter eleven

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𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧.

Bonnie Bennett woke with a gasp, scooting backward on her bed until her back smashed against the headboard. As she looked around the softly pink-accented room, her eyes widened as everything, except for the bed she was in, was floating, threatening to fall and slam against the floor.

Just as her grams had taught her, she forced herself to calm down, hoping that would release her magic's hold on the items. Closing her eyes, she inhaled, slowing her heartbeat.

After a couple of seconds, she peaked her eyes back open, realizing that everything was still suspended in midair.

Nothing had changed.

"Bonnie?" She heard a voice call from behind the door. "May I come in?" Bonnie sighed and agreed. The door creaked open, revealing the cousin she had been getting to know for the last three days. With a head tilt displaying nothing much confusion, she whispered a quick spell, and everything landed on the ground softly.

"Same nightmare," She said simply, deciding not to explain. Bonnie had decided to confide in her cousin, revealing what was in her nightmare.

"I see," Mina nodded. She had tried every spell she knew, but nothing would take away her little cousin's nightmares.

Bonnie sighed, pulling her covers tighter on her body. She didn't want to talk about it, speaking that she had done just that every day for the past three days. "Did you find out anything?"

Mina sat across from her little cousin, setting her coffee cup on the counter before speaking. "Actually, yes. My grandmother assured me that if you brought anyone back with you, they would wake at the place they died... Do you know where this Harry person died?"

Bonnie shook her head. She wanted to kick herself for not pressing him for more information. "Every time I brought up his death, he changed the subject."

A knock on the hardwood door interrupted the two witches' conversation. "Mina, Bonnie," The woman started. "I have news." Walking over to the nightstand by Bonnie's bed, she picked up Mina's cup and placed it on a coster before taking a seat in the chair adjacent to the bed.

Rolling her eyes at the elder, Mina focused on the bigger picture. "Auntie? What's happened?"

The woman sat up, looking Bonnie in her eyes. "A couple of days ago, there was a report about a boy merely appearing from what seemed to be a grave. His clothing was torn and old, but bystanders say it's like he's quote risen from the dead."

Mina's eyes widened. "Oh damn, he's real?"

"Yes!" Bonnie cheered. "Wait, where is he? I need to see him, Eleanor."

Eleanor Bennett shook her head. "Witches talk Bonnie. We're positive he was last seen with Rebekah Mikaelson. That lot..."

Bonnie tossed her covers off, her pajama pants dangling past her ankles. "I've dealt with the Mikaelsons before, and I can do it again."

Mina paused. She knew that Bonnie was passionate about finding her friends, but surely this wasn't a declaration of war between the Bennetts and the Mikaelsons.

What would happen to Elyza? "Bon–"

"No, Mina. We've found him. I know where the Mikaelsons live. We can go–"

Eleanor held her hand up, silencing her niece. "As much as I would love for you to get your friend back, Bonnie, you are in no position to fight."


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