Chapter 23

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'Are the handcuffs really necessary?'

Jess turned to watch her grumbling sister be escorted into the police station with a stiff-looking officer at her side.


'Jesse,' Ash said with relief. 'Are you okay?'

'Not handcuffed at least,' she said, showing off her wrists.

'Move on,' the officer pushed Ash's shoulder, but she resisted.

'Jesse, don't worry about anything. Just answer their questions, and I'll get us out of here.'

'Stop talking,' barked the officer.

'Don't let them bully you,' Ash shouted as she was led towards the holding pen and out of sight.

'Come on,' the officer at her side said, being gentler with her than they had been with her sister.

The officer sat her down in the interrogation room and cuffed her to the table. She didn't resist, but nor was she happy. She was being treated like a criminal with no evidence that she'd done something wrong. The officers had said she was wanted for questioning over Charity's disappearance, but it felt like she was actually on trial.

'Would you like some water?' the officer barked out.

'No thank you,' she said curtly. 'But I would like to know what's going on.'

'You've been brought her for questioning-'

'Last time I checked, people who are brought in for questioning aren't usually handcuffed to the table.'

'They are, if deemed, a threat to our officers' safety.'

Jess rolled her eyes. 'Of course, because I'd be quaking in my boots if I saw myself coming.'

'Now look here, girlie.' The officer advanced on her but stopped short as the door opened behind him.

'That'll be all Officer Thomas,' the Deputy said.

The officer threw her a murderous look before stalking away.

'You and your sister just seem to make friends everywhere you go,' the Sheriff said, his eyes narrowing on Jess.

'My sister is the friendly one,' Jess replied.

'I can tell you now, neither of you will find any friends here if you don't start telling the truth, understand?'

Jess worked hard not to look at the Deputy who sat in silence reading through a file. He was the closest thing to an ally that she and her sister had. But how long could that last? Especially if the man's job ended up on the line.

'Do you understand?' the Sheriff repeated.


His moustache bristled at her answer. He reminded her of an overstuffed walrus. His belly draped over his belt, and his beefy arms seemed to stick out of his body like he'd been sown together by an enthusiastic child repairing their favourite toy. His watery eyes were small compared to his chubby cheeks and double chin, but they watched her like a hawk, barely blinking.

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