My long story on my first attemp to write a story *sigh".

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Hey there pink unicorns and shining rainbows!

*deep breaths*


Now, This is like my very first attempt to write. So I can say that you maybe won't like it much.

I made my Wattpad account on the October of 2014. The main purpose for making my account was to read one of my friends book which she was begging me to read.

So I made Wattpad, read her book, and one more book, one more, one more and so on.

Then suddenly I don't even know why I had the urge to write a book.

I started.

I wrote 3 books till now, completed. But I never gathered the courage to post it here. I showed my books to my elder sister and she was astounded by my writing. She said that I should start writing and people will love it.

But no, that was not enough.

I used to read the official sort of books. But then, I started reading the hidden sort of books. By that I mean, the books which has less votes, comments and more like invisible.

I was amazed by there writing skills, and also shocked as to why it was hidden.

Then I tried my best to pop this books out. I wrote it in my description, suggested them to my friends and what not. Then one day an author came up and thanked me and asked me that why I don't write books. I replied that 'Its just the fact that, I don't think people's will like them'. She said 'Writing doesn't require talent or interest, it requires your heart . Its like writing down what's in your mind or if something that is bothering you on the bottom of your brain. Who cares about who read your book who didn't. You are writing and its up to them if the want to see or not. You'll just have to ignore and continue.'

And that is when it hit me hard. I shouldn't care about what people say. I should do what my heart says.

So here I am.

I hope you enjoy this. I'll try my best to maybe update everyday if possible or else, after every 1 day.

With lots of Yellow skittles, and Cute teddys,

Safura Shahed.

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