chapter 7.

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After an embarrassing encounter with his professor Michael went to his next class where the only empty seat was in the back, he didn't really mind since staying out of everyones sight brought him a bit of comfort. The class was going well so far but he couldn't stop thinking about what his professor had told him.
"you called me mom"
Was he really that far gone? has it really been that long since someone properly took care of him?
Meanwhile, Leila was hiding in the bathroom she took out her phone, ready to dial her mother, but once she heard her mother's voice she froze.

"hello? who's there?" The mother asked suspiciously.
She didn't reply, she stood there shaking, breathlessly with tears filling up inside her eyes. Her mother's voice hadn't changed a bit, still the same raspy voice, the same tone.
"if this is some sort of joke i am hanging up" the woman yelled.
Still nothing came out of Leila's mouth.
Her mom eventually hung up, whilst her poor daughter fell to her knees sobbing, all she wanted to do was to run to her mother's arms but alas.
The class was finally over, it was lunch time.  Since he wasn't that hungry Michael decided to go for the vending machine. Once he got what he wanted he was heading outside when he saw the same girl he kept bumping into.

"Damn it" she said as she hit the vending machine. She looked as if she had been crying.
"you can have mine if you want" he proposed.
"no i couldn't" she replied shyly.
"no really it's fine im not even hungry" he replied in a reassuring tone.
"oh well thank you and i owe you one" she said jokingly.
"Im Leila by the way" she added with a smile.
"Im Michael nice to meet you " he replied softly.
"are you feeling better by the way? you gave us all a scare last time" she asked concerned.
"oh- yeah im im good" he answered while looking down.
"well i euhm i gotta go- OH! wait here's my number because i haven't sent you your notes yet- I'm sorry" she giggled

"no worries" he added.

They exchanged their numbers and each went in their separate ways.

Well that was nice...


As Leila was heading to her next class, she  came across her boyfriend hooking up with another woman. She stood there, nothing came out of her mouth, she wasn't surprised, no, she was simply just disappointed.Before the poor girl had the chance to walk away, her now ex boyfriend had already seen her. He ran up to her to try and make it right but-

"Leila i can explain-"Leo said breathlessly.
"don't- just don't" she cut him off

"My mom was right you know- she was right about you all along" she whispered before taking a deep breath.

"Fuck you." Leila spoke loudly before walking away.

He tried to stop her by grabbing her arm but she pushed him away.

You see she wasn't hurt because he cheated, she felt ashamed because her mother was right all along, because she had warned her about him, but she thought she knew better, she thought- she believed- that he'd be good, he'd be different but at the end of the day he's just a man after all.


The day was slowly coming to an end, Michael was getting ready to go home, but he had one more thing to do, one more person to talk to.

"Professor are you busy?" he inquired anxiously.

"Not at the moment why?" Tina replied firmly yet with a pitied look.

"I just wanted to thank you once again for helping me the other day and i am sorry that i referred to you as my mother. It's just that she's been gone for a while now and i haven't gotten used to it quiet yet- and for a moment and it was probably just the medicine but i thought i saw her-"

his voice had already began to break when Tina pated his shoulder softly.

"It's okay there's no need to apologize again things like that happen often and if you ever need anything at all you know where to fine me" she reassured him.

Michael nodded as he held back his tears and got out of the classroom.


Few hours later... in a messy dorm, in the middle of the night, a betrayed woman was drinking her sorrow away and wondering where it all went wrong, how did she end up here, all alone, drunk and pathetic. If she had just listened to her mom, but no her mom couldn't have been right, she couldn't let her have that. Looking down at the now half empty bottle of vodka,      Leila decided to dial her mother again maybe she'd be happy about her daughter's situation, she would love to tell her "i told you so" and to rub it in her face and maybe Leila needed it.

She picked up the phone, dialed a few numbers and waited till her mother answered and ready to take in whatever she has in store for her, only to hear a male's voice and a familiar one.

"hello?" Answered Michael sleepy and confused.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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