The Borough Bully

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On a nice sunny day, Lunella, Devil, and I started fighting a metal villain named Devos. "Whoa! Devos! Take a chill pill." I exclaimed. "Devos doesn't need medicine." Devos said. "Devos needs to destroy!" "Devos needs to stop talking in the third person." Lunella complained as Devil started pushing against Devos. "Come on, MG and SB. Give me your good side!" Casey exclaimed, taking pictures on her phone. "I said your good side!" "Girl, this is my good side!" Lunella shouted. "Sorry to interrupt, but can I get a little help, Moon Girl?" I asked. "Nevermind. We'll fix it in post." Casey said as Lunella and I were tossed in the air and we landed on a boy's table. Devos grabbed us both. "Devos will smoosh you like bugs." Devos threatened just as Devil headbutts him. "Devos' tummy!" "Well, if that hurt Devos' tummy, this is really gonna hurt Devos' face." Lunella said, launching her glove to his face, ending our fight. Civilians cheered for us.

We met up with Casey at Ahmed's deli before school. After Casey showed us the fight with Devos on the website, we gave her some feedback. "So, do I have skills, or do I have "skillz?"" Casey asked. "Casey, this video is fiyah!" Lunella exclaimed. "Got that right." I commented. "Who are you tellin'?" Ahmed asked. "I've watched it 10 times already! Oh, you know the part where Moon Girl was like, bam! Sun Boy was all, pow! And Devil was like, zaboom! And then they did the bap-bap-ba-tah!" "Sorry, Ahmed. We have to get to school." I chuckled. "Yeah, and thanks for the sammies!" Casey thanked. "Oh! And hit that subscribe button."

As we walked to school, Casey was skimming through the comment section of our video. "This video has the fan page blowin' all the way up!" Casey exclaimed. "For real?" Lunella asked, taking Casey's phone to look at some comments. "Yo! Look at all those comments! 917KWEEN said, "I just love how their hair defies gravity. #sunandmoonmagic." I mean, according to Newton's law of gravitational force..." "Lulu, as much as I love how smart you are, please just take the compliment and read another one." I interrupted. "Okay. Here we go." Lunella chuckled. "SYPHON8TR says, "The only thing bigger than that robot is, Moon Girl and Sun Boy's foreheads. #5heads? #bigheads? #moonheadgirl? #sunheadboy?" Okay, who is this SYPHON8TR? And why would they say that? My head isn't that big, right, guys?" "Uh, well, you know what?" Casey hesitated. "Let's just focus on all the positive comments. I've dealt with my fair share of haters and the key is to not let it bother you. For example, last week when Eduardo made fun of my scrunchie, do you know what I did?" "Punched him and got detention?" Lunella and I asked. "Regrettably, yes." Casey replied. "I saw that." I said. "But, do you know what I did the second time he made fun of it?" Casey asked. "I said, "So?" and "You are entitled to your opinion." and "Thank you for noticing my bomb scrunchie." Then I shrugged it off like this." Casey began moving her shoulders around, showing off her fresh moves. "Oh, the shoulders, you moving the shoulders." Lunella sighed. "Alright, Case. I see you. You know what? There's no way I'm gonna let one dumb little comment bother me."

That night, Lunella was lost in her thoughts. All she could think of were those hateful comments. How would I know that? She was screaming, which of course woke me up. "Lamar?" Lunella whispered, attempting to wake me up. "You're thinking about that hate comment, aren't you?" I asked with a yawn. "What? No!" Lunella lied. "Okay, I might be bothered." "Lulu, you can't let this bother you." I groaned. "I know I'm not." "You don't care about someone hating on you?" Lunella asked. "Haters gonna hate." I said, putting on my sleep mask and falling back to sleep.

Do I want to know what Lunella did in the night? No, but I had the feeling she was obsessed with that hate comment and was going to address it.

The next morning, sure enough, on the way to school, a video on Casey's website popped up about Moon Girl and Sun Boy not having large heads. I only watched part of it because I knew I'd get bored watching Lunella show her work with graphs. "Lulu!" I shouted to Lunella on the sidewalk. "Why'd you bring me into this? I thought you weren't going to let this bother you. And how is Devil filming you in the first place?" "Watch and learn, little bro." Lunella replied. "What exactly am I watching and learning?" I asked. "Ooh! My video must be getting all kinds of love!" Lunella squealed, just as Casey grabbed both of us by the arm. "You guys posted to the Moon Girl and Sun Boy fan page without consulting me?" Casey asked. "What we're you thinking?" "Nuh-uh! That was all Lunella." I explained. "Okay, one, Hi, Casey. And two, what's the big deal? Our fans are really feeling my educational video!" Lunella exclaimed just as Casey pulled up a video on the fan page. "SYPHON8TR remixed my video into a song?!" "That's how the internet works, sis." I replied as Casey played the video. "What? Those aren't even real equations!" Lunella exclaimed. "Who cares?" Casey asked. "I can't believe that this janky video is getting all these likes. My graphics are way better. We gotta figure out how to get ahead of this thing before it goes..." As Casey opened the door to the school, our fellow classmates were watching SYPHON8TR's remix on their phones. "Viral?" I asked. "Thank you, Lamar." Casey thanked. "Oh, this can't be happening." Lunella groaned. "There. I just blocked that trolling SYPHON8TR from the page." Casey explained. "Okay? This will all blow over soon." "I hope you're right, Case." I said, noticing Lunella looking at her phone. "Lulu?" "This means war." Lunella grumbled in anger.

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