Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow

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After a night of patrol, Devil dropped us off at home so we could get some sleep. "Bye, bye, Devil." Lunella said, kissing his nose. "Night, Dev." I added, following Lunella inside, heading straight to bed. "See you tomorrow, big guy."

The next morning, Mama knocked on the door to wake both of us up. "Morning, Mama." I yawned. "Good morning, my little man." Mama greeted. "Mornin', Mommy." Lunella greeted. "Uh-uh-uh, where is your silk bonnet, Lu?" Mama asked. "You mean my silk nuts and bolts holder?" Lunella corrected. "Is that where you've been putting those?" I wondered. "I thought you lost them?" "Lunella Lafayette, it's time you take proper care of your hair." Mama scolded. "But that's what I got you for." Lunella said. "You know you love doing it." "I do, baby." Mama admitted. "But don't even try it! You're 13. Old enough to know that to love your hair is to love yourself." "Oh, c'mon, Ma." Lunella said. "It's just hair." "Just hair? Just hair!" Mama gasped. "Oh, snap! You shouldn't have said that, sis." I warned, just as Mama dragged Lunella out of our bedroom. "I should probably get dressed for school."

At school, Lunella and I headed to science class for another lecture from Coach Hrbek, or rather, Lunella was going to give us the lecture. "Mama showed you the Wall Of Fame, huh?" I asked. "Don't remind me." Lunella sighed, just as we noticed Casey sitting next to us. "Case? Since when are you in this science class?" "Oh, I'm not. I just needed a consult on my picture day outfit." Casey replied, showing us two different dresses. "Sunny. Spicy. Sunny. Spicy." "Casey, baby girl, please. Always go spicy." Lunella responded. "Case, let me see those pictures." I said, looking at her phone. "Yup. I'm with, Lulu. Go with the spicy." "But I still don't get all the fuss about picture day." Lunella continued. "My mom went in on me about how my hair looked this morning." "That's ridiculous." Stacey, one of our classmates commented. "Right?" Lunella agreed. "Thank you, girl." "I mean, your hair always looks messy like that." She continued. "Uh, say what now?" Lunella scoffed. "Like how it stands on end all frizzy." Stacey explained. "But that's the look you're going for, right?" "Okay, I know you didn't just insult my sister!" I snapped. "Don't listen to her, Lu." Casey reassured her. "Yo, Clueless, after school. In my office..." "Okay, so, robots." Coach Hrbek announced. "We're building 'em." I could tell that Lunella was feeling insecure about her hair after those hurtful comments.

On the walk home from school, Lunella wasn't feeling much better. "Uh, maybe it wouldn't hurt to try a new hairstyle for picture day." Lunella said. "More fly and less frizz." "Lunella, your hair is fly as it is." Casey commented. "To be honest, her hair looks like it was repeatedly dyed." I pointed out. "Yeah, but I need picture day fly, you know." She said, just as Casey's gorgeous hair blew in the wind. "It's so beautiful!" I gasped. "I need some of that!" Lunella added. "Well, I guess I could try to help you." Casey said. "You coming, LJ?" I froze for a moment before laughing awkwardly, eventually beginning to walk backwards as well.

Once I returned home, I went to play some video games online while Lunella went over to Casey's place to try and fix her hair. As a superhero, it's not always easy to balance a double life, so it was nice to have some me time for once. I did make a few sketches for my robot prototype.

Later that night, Lunella came home with her hair looking exactly the same, but she looked like she was inspired. "Girl, what are you up to?" I asked. "You're making that scheming face again." "Well, I plan on bioengineering a mega strength hair straightening product without the harsh chemicals." Lunella explains. "Actually, could you please help me out with this? I need an extra set of hands and Devil has stubby arms." "Just so you know, as your brother and as your friend, your hair is just as beautiful as you are, Lulu." I sighed. "I may not think that this is the solution, but if this is what you want, I'll try and help you." "Did I mention that you're the best brother ever?" Lunella asked, pulling me in for a hug. "Many times, actually." I replied.

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