welcome to earth!

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Welcome to earth young watcher. Today we are going to look at two losers who somehow end up corrupting the universe-

"FBI OPEN UP!" *Narrator gets tied up and taken away by the FBI*

-second narrator-

Well *gets glare from FBI agents across the room* uhm... E- enjoy the story, goofy potatoes!

-bob's pov-

Today I woke up. I looked beside me and stared at my brother Fred.

"Psst Fred!" I whisper-shouted "we need to get up. Remember, we're visiting granny apple pie today!" Fred glared at me from his pillow. If looks could kill I'd be dead. Like dead, dead. "SHUT UP BRO I DON'T WANNEW GET UP!" Fred shouted "GRANNY APPLE SMITH Doesn't EVEN REMEMBER HER OWN STUPID NAME!"

"Remember overgrown piglet, today is her birthday. If we don't go she'll put our pictures up on the wall of shame" bob and Fred shivered remembering their late father whose photo is on the wall.

"Yeah, o- on second thoughts let's go" Fred said as he got up and got dressed "while we're walking we can pick up a cake and walk with bertha and Jen!" I said "They're usually returning from the gym at this time. Aren't they?"

-time skip to breakfast-

-fred's pov-

I sat down as Bob made specially fried, set on fire, totally not burnt, super waffles. "MMM!" I said licking my lips as I bit into the black, charred waffle. "Tastes like gourmet food!"

"Thanks my dude!" Bob said "I know for a fact my food is the most gourmet from around these parts!" Bob turned and looked at his wrist watch "uhm Fred we have exactly 5 minutes before we are put up on the shame wall" Bob said shakily

"SHIT!" we jumped in the car as we speed ran the journey to granny apple pie's house

-granny apple pie's pov-

"Hello dearies I hope you picked up the cake?" I said with a malicious glint in my eyes

"Yes Grammy," they both replied in unison. "Did you remember to get the specially made 50th anniversary peanut butter strawberry cake?" I came up close inspecting the cake "yes, Gram-my!" They said saluting.

-fred's pov-

A tiny piece of sweat ran down my forehead as Grammy inspected the cake closely. My heart nearly stopped when she said "GO FIND MY MUSIC BOX IN THE BACK OF THE HOUSE!"

"YES MA'AM!" Me and Bob ran to the back of the house searching for the music box.

"Bro where's satan's music box?" Bob asked "IF I KNEW WHERE IT WAS I WOULDN'T BE SEARCHING! WOULD I?" I said as I slammed my fist on the table above me. Me and Bob froze as we heard a voice from behind us "hurry up grandchildren, I wouldn't like to add a couple more to my wall of shame, would I?" Me and Bob looked at each other. If we didn't find this music box we might as well dig out our own graves. "Shit." We said in unison.

-dave pov-

Hehe the dimwits fell for it! I thought to myself as I hopped from rooftop to rooftop holding the music box. In fairness it wasn't even a music box, it was falsey labelled. It was in fact a jack in the box. I giggled thinking how I just made those two idiots sign their death warrants.

 I giggled thinking how I just made those two idiots sign their death warrants

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Btw the picture is the jack in the box, it was drew by me.

As I sat down in my sad alleyway of a house I started to turn the handle of the jack in the box...

To be continued

Authors note
I do hope that the ppl that read this first chapter enjoyed it
As I said this will be a future up-in-coming webcomic that me and my friend are working on currently
Yt: bob and Fred adventures
Sketchers united: unique_dragons
Feel free to contact any one of us there and suggest any fandoms/ world's you want to see included in the story
Btw thanks for reading again
Word count: 682

bob and Fred adventuresWhere stories live. Discover now