now, we are getting cheesy nachos /003\

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-fred pov-

I looked over at the retired body builder that was bertha and her disheveled sister hanging onto her leg.

"Yeah, we also know how Dave did it." Fred took a deep breath as Bob mentally face palmed in the corner of the room "Dave used. . . A pair of scissors."

I felt amazing that I thought of that in the last second, Bertha got nothin' on meh✨✨

"No, it was a jack in the box," bertha stole all my flare in that one second "I saw him yeet it over the side of a bridge while I was doing my daily run. Jen did a cool drawing of it! Show them."

Bertha stood as Jen held up a sketch of the box

I grumbled as I turned around to look at the wall.

"Well I thought it was a pair of scissors. But y'know, fudge this"

"Quit grumbling Fred!"

I had steam coming out of my ears, just like in a cartoon.

-Beartha pov-

"Anyways-," I turned from looking at Fred "we need to collect the box,"

"I agree-" "I DISAGREE!" Fred cut in through the middle of Bob's sentence

"We should not go after that box! Have you see what it's capable of!?"

Fred gestured to the cartoonish room and our bubbly figures

'since when did Fred think things over-'

"I think we should get the box" a tiny voice said from my leg

I forgot that Jen was still hanging on my leg. I lifted her off as she squeaked in surprise.

"I agree with Jen," I smirked proudly "if the box caused this, it should be able to reverse it... Right?"

Bob walked over and put his hand on Fred's shoulder "c'mon buddy, we need to give it a go"

I could feel the anxious air from Jen beside me as I listened to the brothers

Bob then whispered something to Fred and they both turned around. It was scary how in sync they were.

"WE'RE IN!" Fred shouted "correction, he's only agreeing because he's getting nachos after," Bob sighed

-Bob pov-

I hated being basically the mother of the group. Bertha only talks about her old weight lifting achievements, Jen is too scared to talk and Fred- Fred, I don't know what he is.

"So, we're going?" I raised an eyebrow at the fellow humanoids

"WOO WALK TRIP!" I watched bertha yell as Jen let out a weak "woo..."

Sometimes I wonder how they're siblings


We walked through the town with minimal accidents, Jen holding onto Bertha's hand and Fred being surprisingly, calm.

Scratch that, Fred is getting whacked on the head by a baguette because he angered the baker.

"FRED YOU WALKING ELEPHANT!" I dragged him by his forearm back to the group as he groaned from his hurting head.

"He started it though!"

We got strange stares from onlookers.

I let fred go beside bertha, "you, behave yourself. Or else..."

"Or else what?" I pulled out a human harness from my back pocket. "You know what"

Fred shivered as he saw the harness

"HEY GUYS WE'RE HERE!" Bertha called from the bridge


Bob and Fred walked up to Bertha and Jen. As they stood on the stone bridge, the wind whipped around their hair, sun shining on their hair.

The sounds of the town seemed to wrap around their beings as they looked down into the dark, murky and mysterious depths.

"Is it just me, or is this cartoon world making scary things over-exaggerated?" Bob called

Fred nodded "yeah, this is what stuff looks like in my nightmares"

"So, how are we going to get the jack-in-the-box?" Bertha asked

"Someone will have to swim" whispered Jen


Author's note

I really hope to those that are still reading this are enjoying it.

I apologize for not updating for a while I was kinda putting this off to get ideas.
Why do humming birds hum?
Because they don't know the words.

:679 words:


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