Happiness Is Simple

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The Sully's have been living with the Metkayina for months now and Neylayā had been exploring. Today was the day she decided to show her siblings a new island she found while riding her ikran. 

"So are we training today?" Ao'nung asked Neylayā walking towards the Sully kids with Tsireya and Roxto. Shit. Neylayā thought to herself, until a deviously fun plan formed in her head. 

"Sure except instead of hand and hand combat I will teach you how to use a bow." She replied with a smile. The rest of the group looks very confused as there isn't any good materials to make a bow. "How about we all go to this spot I found, come on!" Neylayā yelps for her ikran and drags Ao'nung to join in with her. Kiri grabs Tuk, Neteyam grabs Roxto, and Lo'ak grabs Tsireya all mounting their own ikrans. The children all fly away heading to a near by island.

The island is filled with lush trees and greenery yet it still has a sandy beach with shells. It was the perfect connection of the forest and the ocean yet no Na'vi inhabited it. As Neylayā swooped down waving for her siblings to follow, they landed on a nice tall tree. " WOAH it's looks just like home!" Tuk yelled while Kiri smiled. Everyone dismounted some looking more terrified than others. Lo'ak held up Tsireya smiling at her "It's alright. I will not let you fall." she returns the smile. Neylayā thought Lo'ak was super kind, because her on the other hand had left Ao'nung to fend for himself while she climbed quickly up the tree. 

"Come on don't be a wuss. Besides you should try 'swimming through trees'" Neylayā yelled down at Ao'nung making fun of him. He looks up at the trees and sighs, he carefully begins climbing up with the other children following. However Tuk speeds up and passes him making Ao'nung growl in annoyance. A few minutes pass and everyone makes it to the top Neylayā claps and looks down, then she looks up and starts to smirk, Lo'ak laughs while Kiri and Neteyam shake their heads. In a quick swift motion she grabs Tuk and jumps down hitting a few big leaves slowing down their fall, she looks up and hears yelps of happiness from her siblings, Tsireya, and Roxto. Eventually everyone jumps down screaming with joy and laughter, except Ao'nung. "Come on down fish lips!" Neylayā yelled, causing him crash towards the ground. 

The children spend hours on the island making bows and teaching each other how to shoot. Finally everyone was getting along, laughing, and just having fun. 

"Ok time to go!" Neylayā yelled wrapping up the fun because it was almost eclipse. When the kids arrived back it was eclipse and everyone had noticed their disappearance. 

"Where have you all been?" Ronal asks with a stern voice. Tonowari, Neytiri, and Jake walked up beside her. All the children are silent with their heads hanging low, Neylayā speaks up "It is my fault, please dismiss them. They did nothing wrong." The adults all make eye contact, "Go." Tonowari says softly. Neylayā looks back at them and nods the kids sigh and walk away, Lo'ak looks back at his big sister and smiles slightly. 

"Where were you Layā?" Jake asks his daughter. "We were on a nearby island it has no Na'vi living on it and just having some fun dad." Neylayā replies.

"Someone could have got hurt!" Ronal yelled, Tonowari grabbing her arm to comfort her. 

"Yes Neylayā that was not safe, what if Tuk or Kiri got injured?" Neytiri added, upset with her daughter's behavior. 

"We were all finally getting along! We had fun. If you could have seen Tuk and Kiri faces mom, even Teyam and Lo'ak, We were happy and back home!" Neylayā yelled "Ao'nung and Tsireya learned the way of the forest and what we used to do before we moved here!" 

"You let my children go beyond the reef and ride an ikran!" Ronal yelled back full of anger. 

"Neylayā apologize to Ronal and Tonowari then go." Jake says in a low tone. 

"But Dad.." 

"ENOUGH!" Jake yells causing Neylayā to form tears in her eyes and put her head down low.

"Forgive me." She says to the Metkayina leaders with her hand over her heart. Then walks away slowly from the group of adults back to her family Maori. Jake and Neytiri follow in shortly after.

"You have disappointed me Neylayā" Neytiri says, her tail swaying aggressively side to side.

" You just don't understand-" Neylayā tries to explain.

"No! you are done no more flying." Jake says harshly.

"Dad! That is not fair I was just trying to make my siblings happy!" Neylayā yells back with tears running down her face.

"YOU COULD'VE GOT EVERYONE KILLED OR HURT! YOU KNOW QUARITCH IS OUT THERE HUNTING US, THAT WASN'T SAFE! I EXPECT THIS BEHAVIOR FROM YOUR BROTHERS BUT YOU?" Jake yelled at Neylayā for the first time ever causing her to get thrown off. "No more flying that's it." he says after calming down a little. 

"Yes, sir." Neylayā replied crying walking out the maori. She had finally felt truly how Lo'ak felt and it sucked. 


Authors Note 

sorry I've been gone it was my birthday (and a bunch of others) but I'm back.

I hope y'all enjoy this mash of madness I have created, we will resume the movie storyline next chapter. Anyways have a good day/night!

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