The Last Bead

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It was the day of Neteyam's funeral, the whole clan was grieving after the war. Neylayā sat in the Sully's marui while Neytiri assisted her with her face paint.

"You are ready." Neytiri says softly after finishing the white stripe down her daughters face. Neylaya holds her hand then gives her mother a hug.

"Can I stay with you?" Neylayā asks, Neytiri nods her head slightly. Together they sit and sing Neteyam's song cord by the fire, until they reach the final shell at the end.

Every songcord must have a last bead.

The clan stands in the water holding torches all in their funeral attire. Jake rides out on an ilu slowly as the family follows behind. Neytiri, Tuk, Neylayā, and Lo'ak stayed close to Neteyam's body in a leaf, tied to the back of the ilu. Kiri and Spider rode nearby on her ilu, watching from a slight distance.

A father protects, it's what gives him meaning.

The family arrives over brightly glowing coral and Jake slides off the ilu and helps take Neteyam out of the leaf. Pink flowers surround his body while all the siblings have their final goodbyes, Tuk touches his face while Lo'ak and Neylayā turns his head upwards. Jake and Neytiri take a deep breath before carrying Neteyam under the water with them. Spider and Kiri get off their ilu to look underwater and Neylayā holds Tuk's hand to look as well.

The people say that all energy is only borrowed.
And one day you have to give it back. 

Everyone watches as Neteyam's body goes into the coral and sobs, especially Neylayā and Lo'ak.

Eywa holds all her children in her heart.

Nothing is ever lost.


The next day after the funeral, Jake and Neylayā walk up towards Tonowari and Ronal's marui still with their paint on.

"My family and I will move out tomorrow. Far away from here." Jake says and Neylayā puts her head down slightly.

"Your son lies with our ancestors." Tonowari states and Ronal looks over at him.

"You are Metkayina now." He holds out his hand towards Jake. Neylayā slightly smiles at the gesture then looks at her father.

And there it was.

Jake looks down and grabs Tonowari's arm.

We are sea people now.

This is our home.


At Ranteng Utralti (spirit tree).

Lo'ak holds onto Payakan's fin while he swims around the tree. In the distance, Neylayā watches as her parents hold hands underwater infront of the spirit tree. Then she grabs her queue and connects to the tree closing her eyes.


Neylayā opens her eyes as she stands next to her mother behind some bushes in the forest. She turns her head to see Jake and Neteyam talking.

"Dad! Look what I caught." Little Neteyam yells while holding up a fish on his arrow.

"Wow." Jake replies. Neylayā smiles then Neytiri pushes her gently to go out.

"You did it!" Neylayā runs out exclaiming to her little brother, just like she did when they were kids.

"That's a big one." Jake says kneeling down by the river.

"It was over there by the rocks, just like you said." Neteyam replies pointing then looks back. Jake and Neylaya have tears running down their faces.

"Layā? Dad? Why are you crying?" Neteyam says but as his older self.

"We're just happy to see you, boy." Jake says softly putting his hand on Neteyam's face.

"I'm happy to see you too" Neteyam chuckles as he replies. Neylayā smiles and giggles a bit, giving Neteyam a nod.

"Here. You try." He says handing Jake his bow.

"Okay...Leave any for me?" Jake asks while standing up preparing the bow.

"Uh maybe." Neteyam replies making Neylayā and Jake laugh.

Neytiri watches from a distance and smiles, seeing her two eldest together again with their father.

I see now.

I can't save my family by running.

This is our home.

This is our fortress.

This is where we will make our stand.

Authors note
Thank you to everyone that read this book and waited so long for me to update every month. I really appreciate the love you all gave to this story, especially because I wasn't expecting it to do so well.

I will be editing the whole story again when I get a chance, and hopefully whenever avatar 3 comes out we can get the return of Neylayā and the Sully's.

Anyways thank you so much have a great day/night!

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