3. god its brutal out here

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Louis's pov

it's been a week since i went to school. i've caught a cold because i was out with kevin when it was raining anyways i'm all better now and i walk into school i look around the school for harry and- and kevin of course you know but i can't find neither ugh i have to talk to kevin's stupid friends.

"hey brody have you erm seen kevin?" i ask him and he frowns "dude you don't know?" i look to him confused "know what?" he looks even more confused than me

"dude that whole fight thing? kevin is expelled dude" he says dude way too many times. wait what?!

"expelled?! why?!" oh god. fight harry standing up for himself oh my god.

"dude yeah he said he saw a photo in your room of you and that weird ass guy harry dude he beat his ass harry went to the hospital dude it was fucking crazy dude" what. no what. he actually oh my god this is all my fault. oh my god.

i run out of school and run back home. "mum! please do you know that nice chaperone you were friends with harry's mum?! please mum tell me you know who i'm talking about" i say panicked and sobbing i'm a right mess right now.

"sweetheart calm down please yes i do what happened?" she asks walking over to me to calm me down i struggle to breathe as i try to explain "i- harry her son got beaten up by- by kevin and- he had to be hospitalized mum please call her ask her which hospital i need to see him please mum" she nods and picks up her phone calling who i'm assuming is anne i take the time to sob and try to breathe my mum has taken me in her arms and walked us to the couch as her phone rings i'm completely sobbing in my mothers arm then i hear a click

"jay long time no talk!" his mother answers

"hey anne honey louis told me what happened is harry okay? i can't believe someone would do that to him" my mum responds and i listen very carefully

"he's healing up pretty well we decided to go back home you know be closer with family and stuff since it's obviously not safe for him here the boy who hit him said he was only trying to stop harry from stealing his boyfriend? honestly i don't know who the boyfriend is but i can assure you harry's not the kind of person to steal a boyfriend." anne sighs

"i'm so sorry anne i'll be praying for you and him. hope he makes a full recovery." my mum says they talk about whatever i don't care. right now all i care about is going over to kevin's.

A/N sorry for the short chapter it's just how i want the story to pan out leave your thoughts and comments below
all my love, h

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