5. i shouldve stayed at home

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Louis's pov

harry styles. the sweetest boy i've ever met. i lay in bed thinking about all this there's no way what i just saw is real there's no way my sweet angel boy is h the infamous manwhore there's no way. in all my years of knowing him i would've never thought he'd turn out this way. i know my sweet boy is still in there. im determined to see him again. i lay thinking about all the moments we shared in summer camp and in school that picture i took. my sweet baby boy. what the fuck happened.

niall bursts into our dorm room and sighs flopping on my bed next to me "he wasn't at the party." i frown "yes he was." i say softly he snaps his head and looks to me "no he wasn't i looked all over for him and he wasn't or was he but he was up your ass" niall trails a finger down my body and i slap it away

"no he wasn't. i'd never let that happen." well i wasn't entirely lying. "but i did see him. exactly how you described him he just left i think"

"h leaving a party? sounds like a fucking lie. louis if you two fucked you can tell me you know." i roll my eyes "we didn't fuck niall. i promise you we didn't."

"okay don't get so defensive damn. there's a party tonight he will definitely be there and i'm definitely getting fucked by his long juicy-" i hit niall over the head "you're disgusting please close that disgraceful mouth"

i went to the party but this time not just to go to a party but to find him. i am determined to find him.

niall goes to the kitchen as usual to get drunk and i start scanning the crowd. long hair tattoos anything. nothing. there's a crowd starting to form in the corner of the room tho which is probably where harry is. baby always hated being in crowded rooms especially squished in the middle he must really hate the position he's in right now i've got to help him.

before i could dive into the crowd it moves and now there's a black haired tattooed really sexy guy on the kitchen table "okay for fucks sake enough!!" he yells and the whole party goes silent. "h just didn't wanna show up! for fucks sake just leave me alone!" he hops off the counter and the crowd disperses i walk over to the black haired guy and frown softly poor guy must be so stressed

"hey you okay?" i ask softly "no im not. i love h but for fucks sake why's everything about him?! he's hot yeah he flops his dick everywhere but fuck me that's just not fair i have a life to live too see how everyone immediately lost attention in me the moment i said that h wasn't coming?" he sighs and chugs a beer

i give him a hug. i love hugging people especially when they seem down or stressed "wanna go on the roof and listen to music?" i ask him and he smiles at me "i'd like that actually" we start to head upstairs and sneak through a window to climb on top of the roof and before you even think of it no. i'm not getting closer to this black haired guy just to reach harry if i wanted to i will reach harry and zayn is a person not a bridge okay?! now shush

i take out my headphones from my pocket and hand him the left side since he's sitting on the left side of me "here you go" i hand him my phone as well he plays more by five seconds of summer ah my favorite band great taste great taste

"do you wanna talk about it?" i ask and he sighs taking a cigarette out offering one to me which i shake my head politely

he lights it and takes a drag. "it's shit. honestly h himself he's a solid dude he's not the worst roommate he doesn't even bring his hookups back to the dorm he's very organized and clean but the attention from the whole thing is just exhausting you know. i'm known as h's friend no one even knows my fucking name." i frown

"what's your name?" i ask "zayn."

"i'm louis. and i understand it love honestly but i feel like if you act like you don't know shit about him then people will stop talking to you about him and then you'd be just like the rest of us" i smile softly at him.

"yeah maybe you're right. i'll definitely try that. but i have a slight question tho" uh oh did harry tell him?

"go on love." i say calm cool and collected

"is your blonde friend uhm single?" oh thank god but poor baby he wants h to be 9.4 inches deep into him

"yeah but i'll warn you he talks too much for his own good and he has a slight obsession with getting h to fuck him." i say in a slightly higher voice

"but but! i can help you. i can redirect his attention from the guy that's been with everyone the guy that everyone has touched to a nice cool guy who in my opinion can hold a conversation way better than h" he smirks and looks to me "did you talk to h before?" he asks me

uh yeah maybe a little i mean definitely didn't know him before he was the monster he is now you know! "no. not really. but from what i heard the guy thinks with his dick." he chuckles and nods "pretty much." he smiles at me "you're really cool louis." i smile back "so are you z"

we spend the rest of the night talking about random bullshit we exchanged numbers and everything i just really hope niall gets his head out of harry's ass.

A/N i really like this chapter hope you guys enjoyed make sure to leave your thoughts and comments below
all my love, h

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