6. i can feel the room change when youre here

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Louis's pov

me and zayn have been hanging out a lot more there's a party tonight and i just know that niall's gonna come in here and talk about how badly he wants to fuck h so the plan is to get zayn here when niall comes in so that niall sees that zayn is the far superior option of course i let zayn in on the plan and he agreed

zayn is smoking a cigarette next to me while we listen to music as i'm doing my homework i hear the door open and i hear a small grunt coming from zayn who now has niall sitting ontop of him niall scurries off of him quickly and looks to him shocked "i'm so so so sorry it's just my usual spot that i-" niall rambles and zayn chuckles "it's alright" zayn scoots a little and pats the spot next to him smooth zeze smooth.

niall sits down with a blush and looks over at me i pretend not to be paying attention as he hits my arm "you little slag! are you coming out tonight or what?" i roll my eyes

"dunno. you should go with z" i nod my head over to zayn who winks at me subtly niall blushes and whisper yells obviously zayn can hear "i'm not gonna to a party with your hookup yeah?"

"what no zayn isn't my hookup we're just friends!" niall looks to zayn "oh wait so you're single?" niall asks and zayn nods again

"cool. you're h's roommate correct?" niall asks and i roll my eyes "yeah but they barely talk or see each other it doesn't really matter anyways"

niall nods "well what if all three of us go together? would you want to do that?" he asks zayn and he nods "sure yeah why not" zayn says and niall smiles

"cool i gotta go now but i'll uh see you tonight?" niall says again looking at just zayn. and zayn nods again "see ya later princess" niall walks out slamming the door and zayn looks to me

"you've got him don't worry he'll text me in 1..2.." my phone goes off like crazy all texts from niall.

"told ya." i smirk as i show him my phone that's blowing up

he smiles and tries to look away "awww zezes got a cruuuush" i tease and he throws a pillow at me

at the party i'm basically alone ni and z are both in their own little world so i make my way to the dance floor and a guy comes behind me his body pressing up against mine i'm not too sure i like it but whatever tonight's all about fun

he grabs my hips and whispers in my ear "can i get your a drink?" i shrug "sure"

he takes me to the kitchen and smirks at me as he grabs me a drink he's kind of ugly if i'm being honest but hey it's not like i've got anything else to do and i wouldn't judge someone based solely off of their looks.

i snap out from my thoughts when he hands me the drink and i sip it and he chuckles "just chug you've got nothing to lose" i shrug and comply now that i've chugged it it tastes kind of.. off. shit have i been drugged "i need to go find my friends.." i say walking off but he grabs my arm

"no cmon find them later let's dance." he says and i try to free myself from his grip feeling more drowsy "please i have to get back to them or they'll worry about me." he pulls me closer to him.

"just one dance cmon." he practically drags me to the dance floor i can't see shit. my ears are ringing and i can't stand up on my own. please god let zayn or niall see me please

"you look tired how about i take you upstairs" i try to mumble a no but my body isn't letting me fuck i'm fucked

he drags me upstairs my legs are barely working as he lays me down in one of the rooms "no..no" i mumble all i can see is a blurry figure standing over me i feel my shoes being taken off me oh shit here it comes. i brace myself for what's to come then i hear the door bang open i slowly turn my head to see a tall figure are they two timing me? i hear a mumble of shouting i don't recognize the figure as ni or z tho

i see the unfamiliar figure stalk over to the guy and punch him oh god. the figure walks over to me he holds my head up and is talking to me i can't say anything back and i can't even hear him but i feel safe around him he did just save me from getting raped and thank god for that tbh

i feel him pick me off he's saying things still but i can't hear it i just close my eyes finally letting the sleepiness take over and fall asleep.

A/N heavy chapter i know make sure to leave your comments and thoughts below.
all my love, h

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