You Got Me Waiting *ready2read*

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Weeks passed and Draco's interest in their friendship didn't fade, every day he continued to hang out with Lynn, his efforts to spend time with her and how he always tried to gain her interest were pretty remarkable, and even then she couldn't help to feel something was off.

She felt helpless feeling more and more in awe of him, the way he laughed, that charming little smile got her attention, his hair... he was beautiful, intelligent, talented, she wanted to be close to him, even when they were together she felt an unnatural interest for every little thing he did.

And every day he tried to make a good impression. She couldn't help but wonder, Did he like her? Did he hate her? It was hard to tell, for all that she knew, he had been nothing but a pain in her arse, constantly contributing to Pansy's mocks at her appearance over the last 2 years, and he didn't specially take any interest in her over those years besides the few hexes he cast on her and other students.

 She wasn't the most beautiful girl in Hogwarts, so that couldn't be a good reason for his sudden change in attitude,  she was rather average, 5.2, with apricot skin and green eyes, long dark hair that got stuck in her face from time to time, and freckles on her rosy cheeks that covered her nose, she wished to change her whole appearance more often than she would ever admit, maybe that way the constant mockery wouldn't hit as hard, to be thinner, paler or to have a button nose, maybe that would help, sure she could change her hair and eye color if she wanted, but that'll cause more mocks from Pansy and her friends, so she avoided it at all cost.

Even with Draco's constant company over her (which included Pansy, Crabbe, and Goyle), she continued to hang out with her friends, they didn't give a full vote of confidence in Draco's intentions either, but couldn't do anything either.

One day after hanging out with Draco, the three discussed to continue sticking beside him, it had been a month since it all started and no clownery had happened in that time, but still Theo voted on keeping an eye open just to be careful, the other two agreed on it quickly, ending the conversation.

It was a Tuesday evening after Herbology Class, and Lynn decided to spend the rest of the evening polishing her recent notes, that way it'll be easier to review them, Theodore followed her around the library while she picked every single herbology book she could find, he kept yawning but didn't complain, Blase had ditched them when the class ended, it felt unusual but they didn't pay much attention to it, they took the stairs and sat on her favorite spot next to the window,  the bright sun caressing their skin, she opened all of the books scattering them on the long table, and begin writing in silence, Theore just lies down in the bench placing his head on her tights, with his arms crossed, yawning once more before closing his eyes, she couldn't help but smile at this before keeping to her notes, it was usual for him to sleep while she studied, he couldn't care less about academics, and she was only glad to enjoy his company.

After a couple of minutes Draco joined them, he had a couple of astronomy books under his arms and sat in front of her, giving a quick glaze, acknowledging her presence with a quick head movement, she moved some books away giving him space and couldn't help but notice the lack of friends around him, or how his usual mocking smile was replaced by his pressed lips, but kept her ideas to herself, it'll be better, the less company they had, meant more quietness and that meant getting work done.  

Draco couldn't help but notice Theodore's antics with frustration in his eyes before looking back to his books. Why did she let him get so close to her, Theo was doing everything he could to take as much of Lynn's attention, and he dislike it, even tho he couldn't find a way to stop it, he knew he didn't have the guts to go and talk to them about it, it has been a month since he tried to get some alone time with her but they always ended up getting surrounded by their friends, he began to think it would be better ideate a plan that just might give him a chance to spend time with her alone...

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