Chapter 5: Attack On Rainbow Road and Daisy Under His Spell

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The brothers and the Toadstoolians are taken to Donkey Kong's house by Cranky, Funky and DK to construct a plan.

Donkey Kong: For the record dad I let Mario win.

Mario: Really? From what I remember you crashed after I had exhausted you.

Cranky Kong: Get inside the hut.

The brothers Toadstoolians and the Kong's enter DKs home and look at a map.

Mario: So now that we have muscle now what do we do?

Funky Kong: Why use karts of course. There's a passage to get to the Darklands where Koopa is.

Donkey Kong: Funky do you think that's a good idea? I mean I bet these guys don't even know how to drive.

Luigi: Actually, we do. So, take us to these "karts".

Mario, Luigi, Toad, Toadette and DK go down into a giant garage which resembles a car repair shop. The heroes prepare their vehicles and drive towards the exit. Mario pulls up in a red kart with white stripes, Luigi in a green pipe frame kart with a back part to sit another person, Toad in a large blue truck, Toadette in a pink cat themed kart and lastly Donkey Kong in a hybrid between Toad and Luigi's vehicles with two large barrel rockets attached to the back. Everyone is lined up when the exit doors of the garage slowly open and a turtle in a cloud called Lakitu flies in and begins a countdown.

Lakitu: 3. 2.

Mario: Let's a go.

Lakitu: 1. GO!

All five speed out of the garage onto the track when Mario and Luigi realize something.

Mario: Uh Toad the track is missing.

Luigi: Let's hope we don't die.

Donkey Kong pulls up next to the brothers and looks down at them.

Donkey Kong: You buckle up and hit that gas!

They reach what is missing until Mario, who hits his gas pedal, lands on a rainbow road.

Mario: Wait, how are we driving on a rainbow?

Luigi: I have no idea but if it'll get us to Daisy I don't care.

Back at Koopa's castle in the Darklands Daisy feels like she's thirsty and begrudgingly takes a long swig of the drink and she sets it back down she feels something come over her. On Koopa's airship Koopa sits at its control deck with his claw tapping some buttons.

Koopa: It's such a shame I must marry this princess and not the other one.

Kamek: Sire if you remember correctly, she rejected you and then disappeared.

Koopa: I sense her though. I know she's alive.

Kamek: You're crazy because if I remember correctly, she's not in the castle anymore. She might've gone to that other world.

Koopa: I'm going to check on my bride.

Koopa leaves the airship and goes into his castle where he sees Daisy with paints making a painting of him. Koopa realizes the spell is working.

Koopa: My dear I hope you're ready because in a day we'll be wedded.

Daisy: Of course, my king.

Mugger then walks in to alert his king to something.

Mugger: We have reports that the humans and toadstools were successful in gaining a Kong to join them. Whatever shall we do my liege.

Koopa: Excuse me for a second my dear. I have to take care of something.

Koopa turns away and walks over to Mugger.

Koopa: You and the other troopas get your karts to intercept them, and I want that red mushroom for something.

Mugger: Yes, my lord it'll be done.

Mugger bows and leaves. Back on Rainbow Road the heroes are so close to reaching the Darklands when suddenly they are forced in the opposite direction; however, this gives Luigi a perfect view of the castle and its balcony where he sees Daisy.

Luigi: DAISY! It's me, Luigi! Can you hear me?

Daisy doesn't see nor hear Luigi as by the time he shouts for her she's already left the balcony and the road splits into separate roads. The five heroes take one of the five parts of the road. Luigi puts the pedal to the metal when suddenly Koopa's army of Troopas appear behind and fire Bullet Bills at the heroes. Mario's kart is blown up by a Bullet Bill and he's flown to another Troopa where he stomps on its head and throws the shell at another while stealing its kart. Donkey Kong throws banana peels behind him causing some of the koopa troopas to fall off the road and into the lava and water below. The Mario brothers are seemingly in the clear until Mugger rolls up in a large truck-like kart crushing other vehicles.

Mugger: Time to die Mario.

Mugger launches a Banzai Bill at the kart that Mario got from the other koopa troopa causing it to explode making him fly out and he manages to land on Luigi's kart which thankfully he designed to have that feature.

Mario: Luigi I'm thankful you designed this thing for two people. You're a great brother. I'm sorry that I've been bitter towards you.

Luigi: thanks Mario. I needed to hear that.

The brothers, DK and the fungi siblings rejoin at a larger part of the road. Everyone rejoices thinking that they've escaped especially after DK reroutes a Bullet Bill at Muggers truck. Mugger emerges from the remains of his vehicle and then throws a winged red shell at the brothers knocking them off the road.

Toad and Toadette: NO! MARIO, LUIGI!

Donkey Kong: I can't believe we lost them.

Koopa Troopas fly from Koopa's castle in devices called Clown Cars and grab Toad to take him back to Koopa's castle.

Toadette: Let go of my brother you stupid lizards.

Toadette attempts to fight off the Koopa Troopas.

Donkey Kong: Toadette leave them be we'll come back for your brother.

Toadette reluctantly goes back to the Mushroom Kingdom with DK. The brothers fall into water and eventually wash up on an island with dinosaur-like creatures.

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