The Ocean Breeze Whispers Your Name

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You guys would not believe my months. I got sick, had finals, went on vacation, got a job, quit the job, (was sick this whole time, quit job because sick and also it sucked), still sick though recovered a lot, might have a second chronic health issue, and re-injured my knee (again). I'm actually writing this note while rather dizzy so if anything is off, I literally can't see straight rn lmao.

Oh yeah, if anyone who knows how the New York highschool application process thingie works (pre-covid) please please please lmk I need info. Everything changed with Covid and now I can't find any pre-covid resources, spent hours looking.

Anyways, hope you enjoy the chapter, I included the Lost Chariot a chapter early cause I decided why not, it's been awhile. Thing should be moving a bit faster since I'm less sick this week and can actually write. Gonna do a poll on Tumblr and Discord, for what fic to aim to update next too so if you follow my other stories should check that out.

Come yell at me on my tumblr: Percabeth4Life
Come chat with me on discord:


Neither Leilani or I were at camp for the year. She was home, with her dad, and I was obviously with my mom.

Leilani was always happy to chat, and we often used Iris Messages in the evenings, before or after dinner, to talk about our days. School was rough for us both, though I did have some good friends. Leilani had made a few tentative friends too, but she was still getting to know them.

Leilani had transferred schools this year, so was once again a new kid. I was for once staying at the same school and had a solidified friend group. But I would be moving to high school next year, so would need to find a new school. And, of course, I had to deal with the applications and tests and all that nonsense, mom was stressed about it too. I wasn't sure what program I wanted to apply to.

I was considering Music, or maybe Environmental Engineering? I did also consider Politic stuff, cause I figured that would help me with my stuff in the sea. Mom told me to remember that I had land stuff too though, which I did think politics could help me with. I didn't know exactly what I wanted to do but something with activism sounded right. Music wouldn't help much with that but Environmental Science or Politics could.

Annabeth was very confused when I vented to her about it all. The camp didn't worry about all the program stuff, the campers just had to take the required classes and then could focus on what they wanted. She was helping Thalia deal with all that right then apparently, which made me sour a bit.

Leilani, in turn, was living in Florida now. She took advantage of the nearness of the beach to really work on her sand powers, I was pretty sure the invasion and her friend's death were getting to her.

I could understand that, I was constantly working on my powers in the river.

Her school system didn't have anything like mine though, she sounded a bit horrified by how much work I had to put in for a good high school. I was also going to have a harder time of it, since I wasn't white. A lot of the good schools didn't have many non-white students.

Leilani sympathized. She was the only Hawaiian at her school and dealt with some looks and comments that made her uncomfortable. For some reason people were really into her hula dancing.

Which, she could do the hula. She practiced it some evenings and had told me what a lot of the motions meant. But like- she didn't like her classmates asking her about it. They didn't do it nicely.

I was a bit jealous of Leilani, she got to go to the ocean every day. But it also wasn't the ocean she grew up in, so I could understand how it wasn't the same to her. I missed the ocean as a whole, not being able to go into it since the attack.

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