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"Mama!" Peter shrieked in a fit of giggles running to Pepper who was in the kitchen finishing dinner. Tony had been 'chasing' Peter around the tower in attempt to tickle the young boy. In reality, Tony had just wore himself out as he had only caught up to Peter twice. Still the effort had been there and it made Peter laugh which was all Tony could think to care about.

Pepper scooped the young boy up into her arms with a large grin on her face.

"Did you have fun playing with Daddy?" she asked her son already knowing the answer.

"Yeah!" Peter squealed "We played legos, and superheros, and then tag!"

During Peters tale of his adventures Tony had walked up behind the two enveloping them both in a hug and planting a kiss on Peppers lips.

"EWWWW!!" Peter giggled

"Just wait till you're older underoos and you won't think it's so 'EW'" Tony laughed


Dinner was served and the family happily ate. While Tony cleaned up, Pepper gave Peter a bath. Both parents tucked Peter into his bed and said their goodnights before heading to bed themselves.

Peter was incredibly smart for a four year old, in more ways than one. So when the young boy noticed a shadow outside his ninty-second story window he was scared. The wind that night was strong, so he tried to convince himself that something had just been blown outside his window by the powerful wind. Peter, however, couldn't shake the feeling that something bad was out there.

"FRIDAY?" The boy whimpered, pulling his blankets further up so only his eyes would show.

"Yes Peter?" The gental voice of the towers AI system replied

"I'm scared... I want daddy" Peters voice quivered as he spoke. Tears started falling from his eyes.

Peter could hear footsteps from down the hall letting him know that FRIDAY had alerted Tony. Just a few more seconds and he would be in his fathers warm embrace. Everthing would be fine because he'd have his dad, Ironman, there to protect him. Peter heard his door creak open and just as Tony was stepping into his sons room there was a loud crash. Five men wearing all black had burst through the window. Tony ran to Peter but it was too late. One of the men had already grabbed Peter and was heading back towards the window. Peter could hear his dad calling his name as well as a lot of commotion behind him. He tried to fight his way free from the man but it was no use.

Peter felt a sharp pain of somthing prick his neck before the world started to turn dark. He was too tired to fight anymore. The last thing Peter saw were his parents trying to fight their way to him before the man holding Peter captive jumped out of the window and the world turned dark.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2023 ⏰

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