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Serenity woke up, and she sat up. She wasn't in her room. She saw Malakai and Lilith frowning. "What happened? Where's Vali?" Both werewolves looked upset. "What happened to Vali!? Please tell me he's ok!"

"I'm right here." Vali sat on the bed and the werewolves left. Malakai whispered something in Vali's ear about waiting.

"Vali!" Serenity smiled. "What happened? Did I get sick?"

"You were poisoned." Vali whispered. Serenity stopped smiling.

"I see. I'm fine. We're immune to poison. Unless it's wolfsbane."

"Serenity." Vali moved closer, and Serenity knew something was wrong.

"Vali. What is it?"

"I know who poisoned you. She wasn't happy that you were pregnant. So she found poison and put it in your tea. She was obsessed with me, and I had shot her down multiple times." Serenity froze.

"Vali. What happened to our baby?" Serenity whispered. "Tell me what happened."

"It was the same poison that Lillith took." Serenity's eyes filled with tears.

"Vali. Tell me our baby is fine!" She begged. Vali stayed silent, and Serenity didn't want to believe it.

"Daemon came by and was able to feed you his blood to stop the poison from messing up your uterus." Vali whispered. "You were fighting the poison off very well. But it got to the baby first." Serenity knew immediately what he was talking about. A werewolf's body will cause a miscarriage to save itself. Serenity wasn't pregnant anymore. She saw the tears in Vali's eyes. "I should have stayed with you all last night until Malakai came."

"No." Serenity shook her head.

"I'm so sorry." With that, she wailed in despair. Vali pulled her towards him as she wailed, and he held her. Serenity knew it wasn't his fault. Vali was just as devastated as she was. Her wails echoed through the wing, and Serenity saw Malakai standing at the door. The werewolf didn't know what to do. He felt guilty for not being there faster.

"Lady Yasaka has put the building on lockdown. She's keeping it on lockdown, just in case."

"She's still out there?"

"I almost killed her, but Daemon got there, and I let him have her." Vali wasn't going to mess with the Dragon of Nightmares. His grandfather was terrified of him. Daemon told him to go to Serenity and be with her.

"Malakai." Serenity moved away from Vali.

"Punish me." Malakai whispered, and Vali's eyes widened. The werewolf couldn't possibly be blaming himself. Vali knew of Malakai's feelings for Serenity and knew that werewolves normally choose a mate and stick with it. "It's my fault. I was too slow. Hit me, Lady Fujakante." Serenity saw the tears in his eyes, and she couldn't bring herself to punish him. Malakai's head snapped to the side, and Vali yelped.


"Shut up, Kai. You did nothing wrong. So stop blaming yourself. You don't need to be punished for something you didn't know was going to happen. She was waiting for a chance when I was alone." Malakai's eyes widened, and he started to cry. Serenity held him as he cried in his arms.

"I'm the worst person." Malakai whispered. "I can't help it. I can't help wanting to mark you. Why? Why do I love you?"

"Because that's what we do." Serenity hummed.

"But you're with Vali and Yasaka."

"Yeah. So, neither of us really cared." Vali said. "We were just waiting for Serenity to see if she liked you back or not. You are plan B."

"Plan B?" Malakai asked.

"Daemon spoke to me." Serenity whispered. "He said there was a possibility that I may not have a full werewolf child. Even with a human, my chances of the child being a full blooded werewolf is low. It all depended on which half took over the mating season. Since my mating season is in the winter, the chances of my firstborn being a full blooded werewolf were low."


"Malakai. Daemon chose you to be the king of werewolves." Malakai's eyes widened. The Dragon of Nightmares was the only thing that overruled the royal werewolves. Therefore, he had the right to choose who the next king of werewolves was just in case.

"So I can have a kid with you?"

"Only if we don't have a full blooded werewolf." Vali sat next to Serenity.

"We can't disregard Daemon's orders." Yasaka came in, and she hugged Serenity. "Kunou won't be leaving just yet."


"For her own safety." Yasaka hummed as the younger fox came in and hugged Serenity. She had tears in her eyes.

"There was so much blood, and you were still bleeding when Malakai carried you out of the room."

"We'll have to replace the carpet. Unless we can clean the blood. Also, you'll be on a strict diet."

"All I really need is fresh meat." Serenity shrugged.

"Each of the servants is getting background checks."

"Where's Dvalin?" Serenity asked.

"He's with Lilith." Malakai hummed as he held her closer. The two other werewolves were mates.

"I see."

"Daemon was able to heal her. Since she was thirteen when she was poisoned, her uterus healed enough to where Daemon was able to heal her." Serenity smiled softly at the thought of Lilith and Dvalin having their kids.

"That's great. If Lilith gets pregnant her and Dvalin are dismissed." Serenity hummed. "Besides, I have Malakai and Vali taking care of me."

"Yeah." Vali puffed his chest out.

"Vali. Are you ok?"

"I was going to say yes, but I would be lying." Vali was heartbroken, and he couldn't understand how Serenity kept so strong.

"You want to know how I'm not falling apart." Vali yelped, and Malakai laughed.

"How did you know?"

"Vali, it's ok to break down. But I prefer to do it in private. Since I have to keep strong for the werewolves and the fact that they need a strong leader. I was three when I took over as a leader. But Daemon thought I deserved a childhood, so he took me to the Nightmare Realm. When I came back, I stayed strong and didn't cry."

"You never cried." Malakai hissed. "Your breakdowns? They were terrifying." The werewolf shivered. He didn't want to remember the breakdowns Serenity had. The child stabbed things without hesitation. Especially if it was living things that she said was food.

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