02. the first day

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chapter two,
the first day

        ANDY DIDN'T USUALLY let embarrassing things get to her

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        ANDY DIDN'T USUALLY let embarrassing things get to her. She'd force herself to not be embarrassed, and eventually she wouldn't. But as she stood in front of her closet mirrors, she couldn't help but dread the thought of seeing Nolan. She told herself it was fine, that it didn't matter because she was drunk, but it didn't calm her down.

        If she was lucky, this would all blow over and they'd forget about it in a couple of days.

        A honk came from outside, signaling that Laney, Felix, Vince, and Nolan were there. Laney had a late birthday, which meant that she turned 16 the year before and was the first to get her license. Andy sucked in a breath before she grabbed her backpack and rushed down the stairs to the door, ignoring her mother.

        It was still hot in Woodvale Cove. Andy regretted her decision to wear a long-sleeved shirt the second she stepped out of her house. But she knew she wouldn't once she got to school, so she sucked it up and made her way to Laney's car.

        Laney had a 2016 Honda Accord that used to be her mom's and she refused to let anyone other than Andy have the front seat. The sight of three teenage boys all cramped together in the back was almost enough to make Andy laugh.


        Nolan gave her small smile (like he knew she was embarrassed), which she returned weakly as she settled into the passenger seat. She immediately reached into Laney's glove compartment and grabbed the bottle of Ibuprofen, knowing she'd need it to get through the day. The ache in her head was definitely a punishment of some sort.

        "You look better than you did last night," Laney commented as she began to drive off. "Do you remember almost leaving with Matt the Rat?"

        Andy rolled her eyes, slightly annoyed that Nolan had told her about that. "Yes. I do remember. I wasn't blackout drunk."

        "Well, I don't think that's a decision anyone would make while still in their right mind."

        Thankfully, Andy only lived a few blocks away from the school, so it didn't take long for them to pull into the parking lot.

        "Mr. Woodsy!" Felix called out when they walked through the doors. The bright lights made Andy wince as they approached the table to get their schedules. Mr. Woods was an AP English Literature teacher, and also the Football and Hockey coach. When he first started coaching, the players had given him the nickname which quickly caught on and continued through the years.

        Mr. Woods knew all the drama at the school, so Andy and her friends had spent many lunches in his classroom since they were Freshmen (minus Felix, who'd only moved to Woodvale Cove the year before), even though Vince and Nolan were the only ones actually his students.

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