05. the game

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chapter five,
the game

        ANDY FAILED THE Spanish test on Monday

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ANDY FAILED THE Spanish test on Monday.

The class got their grades back on Wednesday. Andy glanced at it. She didn't care much, but she knew she'd have to put up with her dad yelling at her for at least half an hour. Even though it wasn't worth much of her grade. He'd remind her that he wasn't planning on paying for her college (because he was paying for Brooks and Cody's) which meant that she'd need to work harder if she wanted to go. Then, he'd scream at her because she was ignoring him. Finally, he'd finish it off by grounding her.

She was glad when lunch rolled around. She sat at her and her friends' lunch table with a sigh, dropping her backpack — which was way heavier than it should've been for the first month of school — by the leg of the table.

"You okay?" Laney asked.

        "No," Andy shook her head. "I'm going to overdose on Tylenol tonight."

        "I can get you stronger stuff," Felix joked, making Laney slap his shoulder.

        "I'm pretty sure you can't die from Tylenol," Vince told her. "It'll mess up your liver, but you won't die."

        "I wasn't going to use it to kill myself," Andy huffed. "Though, now that I'm thinking about it, I might."

        "Why?" Nolan furrowed his brows.

        "The sound of my dad's irritating, grating voice shouting at me is going to give me a headache tonight." She could already feel it forming.

        "What's he going to yell at you for this time? You forget to take Wren on a walk again?" she lightly teased, trying to lighten Andy's mood. Dallas Prescott tended to make things sour, even by just the mention of his name.

        "I failed my Spanish test," Andy answered. "You know how he is about grades."

        The group shared a look. The thing about Mr. Prescott was that he didn't care who was near, he'd yell at Andy and then kick her friends out. Like he wanted them to know she was a failure and that he thought half of it was their fault. So, yeah, they knew how he was.

        "You can come over to my place," Vince offered. "To avoid him a little longer."

        Andy smiled at him. It was times like these where she really appreciated her friends. "You're a lifesaver. I love you, and I will repay you with a coffee."

        "You don't have to repay me," Vince rolled his eyes at her. "It's fine."

        "You're right," Andy nodded. "You're already rich."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15 ⏰

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