Chapter 2

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A hole is seen on the ground, until Knuckle's pop his head out of the hole holding a old looking wood with ancient words on it, he smirked as he get off the hole he made.

This is what he have been doing whenever he isn't busy helping Sonic or he felt the Master Emerald is safe, he explore around the Angel Island to find more of his ancestors left behind.

This is how he also learned how to fight when he found the scrolls one time, he look around to find somethings that interest him, so far he collected scrolls, some teared cloth, some hand-made wood tools.

His also trying to learn the ancient language and still he start to understand more of it.

His going to put these in his cave where he put the ones he also collected.

He started to walk back carrying the ancient items om his arms.

Until he felt he stepped over on something, he look down and he sees something shining in the dirt.

He raised a brow and crouch down to put the other items away, he think it's another ancient item that is left behind by his ancestors and start to dig it out.

It was quick which is a suprise to him and realized it's small, he blink and use his gloves to wipe the dirt off to see the item properly and clearly.

When he did however he stopped cleaning and stared at the item his holding...

A small silver bracelet with a red gem in the middle and some scribbles design on it...

A small silver bracelet with a red gem in the middle and some scribbles design on it

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For some reason...this item felt...femilliar.

He raised a brow and look at the bracelet in different angles, it's still very femilliar to him but he doesn't remember seeing made Knuckles confused but...he felt like...he doesn't want to let go...he felt his chest got heavy in every second he look at the bracelet.

Knuckles shook his head and grabbed the other items going over to his cave to put them away.

When he got back he went inside of a small cave and sees his collection over the years, he smiled and put the things in groups that may similar at eachother.

But he stopped when the bracelet is next, he stared at itnand he suddenly have he doesn't want to let it go.

How can he even wear this? It doesn't fit him and it's too small.

He stared at it for a bit before having a idea, he look at one of his dreads and decided to put it on, sliding it on one of his dreads. He blink then smiled seeing it fits.

Well this is a new fashion style mow isn't it?

Knuckles look back at the things he collected looking through them and reads the ones with ancient words on it.

He spend his time struggling reading and lookin while also organizing hs collections. But he soon finishes up dusting his gloves off with a smile.

He decided to go back checking on the emerald.

But he stopped when he heard some vibration, he put his hand in his dreads pulling out a device that keeps vibrating. He pushed a button with his thump and answers.

"yeah?" he asked as he heard Tails calling to him, he went serious when he heard Eggman attacking the Green Hill village again. He growls hearing that Eggman use the residents as hostages.

"alright, I'll be there." he said hanging up, putting the device back to his dreads and runs off to help.

Sonic spindashed a Badnik that is coming on his way as Tails tried avoiding the other but his oblivious about the other Badnik appearing behind him.

Tails immediately heard something behind and quickly turn only to see Knuckles smashing the bot in pieces. He smiled seeing Knuckles.

"Knuckles! You came in time!" Tails said as Knuckles nodded in respond seeing Sonic dodge a attack.

"listen, the hostages are being keep in that mech! Most of them are children so we have to be careful." he said as Knuckles look at him then at the Mech that is causing trouble.

"Got it." he said before dashing off smashing and destroying the bots on his way.

"Tails! Any way to shut the mech?!" Sonic asked destroying the bot.

"that's the thing! I can't!" Tails said as he avoid the other Badnik.

"it seems to be powered by the hostages's energy!" he added.

"then we have to take the source out!" he said as Knuckles look at him.

"you mean taking the the hostages out?" he asked as Sonic grinned at him with a look. Knuckles sigh knowing his right just by looking at his face.

"alright, alright but we'll have to be careful." he said running off as Sonic blink.

"when I wasn't careful?" he asked dashing off to follow Knuckles.

Tails coordinate them on which part if the mech have children or adults.

Both Knuckles and Sonic are being careful busting each mech's parts.

They start to free each hostages everytime they busted open a part of the mech.

Soon Tails went pale when he saw in his gadget what was on the stomach of the giant bot.

"Guys! Be careful on the stomach! There is one more but this one is very young!" he said as Sonic blink.

"a child? Alright then!" Sonic said aiming for the stomach.

Only to get stopped by Knuckles.

"hey! Knux! What was that for?" he asked as Knuckles glared at him.

"think first idiot! The child might be younger and you might accidentally hurt them!" he said as Sonic crossed his arms.

"what are we ganna do then?" Sonic asked as Knuckles look at the mech.

"..tear it open..." he said as Sonic blink.

The mech suddenly collapsed on the ground falling to it's knees, Sonic smirked seeing it lowered down.

"Knux!" Sonic yelled out as Knuckles quickly appeared using Sonic as a boost and landed on the stomach clinging himself.

The mech tried to get Knuckles off but Sonic prevent it by spindashing it.

Knuckles grabbed the cover and grunts tearing it open forcefully.

"Knuckles hurry it up!" he yelled as Knuckles shouted back. "I'm doing it!" he said.

Soon enough he teared it off throwing it away and look inside...only to have his eyes widen.

Sonic avoid the attack and sees Knuckles drop down, he smirked as he position himself and start spinning and spinning until he launched himself straight at the mech finishing it off.

Tails run over to Knuckles to check the child but stopped when he saw what Knuckles have.

Sonic smirked seeing the broken as Sonic walked over to his two friends.

"hey guys!" he said but stopped when he saw Tails looking at Something Knuckles have.

"Knuckles? What's wrong? Is the child okay?" he asked as Knuckles over his shoulder silent before looking at him fully only for Sonic to stop.

Instead of a child he saw a basket in Knuckle's hold.

"uh...Knux...what's that..?" he pointed as Knuckles is silent.

"Knuckles...what's in the basket..?" he asked again as Knuckles look hesitant to answer.

"Knuckles?" he asked as Knuckles sighs and take the small blanket off a bit.

Sonic take a closer look inside only to have his eyes widen.

"...holy sh*t-"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2023 ⏰

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