A visit, some news, and old friends: part 2

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Highscool roughs high
1:34 pm

I arrive at the dorm rooms head up the floors. I arive at my room and open the door to see Jack hard at work

Jack:" Hey! You arived just in time i have a bit of diging and i found some stuff, stuff you might wanna hear"

Luke:"ohh ok talk" i walk to my desk and put my bag down and sit.

Jack:"ok so i read the entire thing and well its something... well to get started the documents are of a classified project"

Luke:"classified project what a suprise"with some sarcasm

Jack:"well the project itself is an experimental drug"

Luke:" a drug?"

Jack:"actually there are 2 types of prototype drugs, the first type is like a beserk type drug"

Luke:"Beserk! You mean like they just go full ape mode?"

Jack:"I think. The main purpose, is for military reasons its suppose to decrease pain relief and increase in concentration,also increas in streangth, agility, and faster reaction speed"

Luke:"so like adrenaline but you you can actually focus, have faster reaction speed and streangth?"

Jack:"yeah pretty much"

Luke:"ok what else"

Jack:" there was actually more but its inside this usb" he shows the usb

Jack:"but for some reason i could never seem to get the files inside the usb"

Luke:"what you cant access it?"

Jack:"yeah no matter what i just cannot access the file"

Luke: sighs "ok how about the second drug"

Jack:" well the second drug called the miracle drug"

Luke:"Miracle drug? Does it like instantly heal your body"

Jack:"close but not exactly, it actually heal major injuries, like for example you had just had a lif altering injury and no matter what surgery or healing you can do it will never heal.

Well this drug is able to heal the most greavious injury as if it was a minor injury"

Luke:" so what your saying is that this drug can heal life altering injuries with just one injection"

Jack:"yeah that bout sums it"

Luke:"ok so why would a buch of gangsters have that? I mean its great and all but its only like two syringes, why would they go far in getting something that dosent have the ingreadients to make it?"

Jack:" yeah thats what i thought when i first saw it, but as i kept reading it i realized, i dont think they're after the drugs"

Luke:" what ??? They're not after the drugs?"

Jack:"yeah rather i think they are after the people behind this"

Luke:"why whats so important about the people"

Jack:" not necessarily the people behind it, its just a bonus. But rather the investors"

I raised an eyebrow

Jack:" we are talking about highclass men and women, poloticians, very rich people that can turn this world upsidedown"

Luke:"ok lets recap, we got 2 experimental drugs that one can change the world of medicine as we know it, and the second could probably change maybe the way war is fought"

"And these criminals, by pulling the strings of these highclass people are able to control the world in the shadows"

Jack:"yeah pretty much" shrugs

Luke sighs

Luke:"ok thats some news huh"

Jack:"yeah sorry your not gonna be the guy who stops little crimes now, you're gonna be the guy who stops the world from ending"

Luke sighs and face palms from everything

Luke:" ok. . Well i gotta go to the gym to relax my thoughts"

I get my gym bag

Luke:" hey you comin?"

Jack contemplates a bit

Jack:"sure i will be there in an hour, i gotta do something real quick"

Luke:"alright see ya later"

I close the door and head to the gym


Alright got this done time to finish the 3 other chapters

Anyways i got nothin to say here right now

But i hope you enjoyed this long overdued chapter

Word count:663

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