We're Going Home, Brother

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I apologise for such the short chapter, but for all the Echo and Rex fans out there, here is a short (and I mean short) one-shot of Rex and Echo reuniting after all the years of being apart. Hope you enjoy it :)

 "I hope you find what you're looking for."

  The words echoed in Rex's head, and he stared at Hunter for a moment longer before giving him an almost imperceptible nod and turning away with Tech to enter the room where his brother was being held against his will. He burst through as soon as Tech opened the door, then it automatically closed behind them. He barely paid attention as Tech rushed ahead of him to investigate the room and a bench full of controls; his gaze was fixed upon the large container pinned against the wall. It was a light brown to blend in with the colors of the wall, but it had a small transparent glass square near the top of it, and Rex could see white mist swirling behind it. He glanced at Tech, who was fiddling with the controls and buttons spread all over the bench. He pressed a few switches, then proceeded to twist a couple buttons.

  "I think I can get it open," the clone was saying, fingers dancing over the controls. At last he pulled two levers down, and a loud hissing sound came from the container pinned on the wall. Suddenly it opened, and a figure lurched forward from it. Rex took a step back instinctively, but instantly froze in shock as he recognised the figure hanging from the container. Many tubes sprouted from his back and the back of his skull, and the figure's eyes were dancing around everyone, but were rolled back up into their head. Rex couldn't hold back a gasp. 

  It was Echo.

  His brother.

  He was alive.

  He stumbled forward and began to untangle his brother from all the tunes and wiring he was in and slowly rested him onto the ground, leaning his back against the control bench. His eyes rolled back into his head and he began muttering things.

  "Tech, figure out a way to get this…this mess off him," Rex commanded, not removing his worried gaze from the trooper beside him. Suddenly Echo jerked, and his eyes danced around the room, unfocused and in a blind state of panic.

  "Got to…get away from the citadel," the man gasped. His robotic legs jerked in panic, and Rex put a hand on his shoulder. He continued to mutter and gasp strange things. "No, I'll go first, no no–"

  "Echo!" Rex said firmly, gripping the man's shoulder firmly. "Echo, you're safe."

  Echo's eyes refocused, and he stared at Rex blearily, as if only just realizing he was there. "Rex? You--you came back for me."

  "Yeah," Rex said, letting out a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding. "And we're gonna get you out of here."

  "But—where am I? What happened? Is–"

 "Hey, calm down," Rex soothed. "We're gonna get you out of here trooper. Everythings gonna be ok." He mustered as much confidence as he could and forced it into his gaze, hoping to reassure his younger brother.

  "He is fine to disconnect," Tech announced, continuing to press on various controls.

  Rex didn't hesitate to rip the tubes out of Echo's back and skull, earning a grunt from the pale clone. When he was finished, Echo locked eyes with Rex. Though his gaze was bleary, there was that familiar light in them that he had missed. 

  "Rex, what happened?" Echo asked softly.

  "A lot," Rex sighed. "You've missed a lot." He leaned forward and embraced his younger brother gently. "But everything's going to be ok now."

  "We're going home, brother."

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