Todays The Day!

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  "Today's the day! Wake up!"

  Crosshair groaned and reluctantly opened his eyes to meet Wrecker's bright and over-enthusiastic gaze. He instantly closed them again and lazily shoved Wrecker away. This resulted in him being shoved off the bed roughly to land on the cold floor below. He groaned again but didn't get up.

  "Wake up wake up!" Wrecker yelled again enthusiastically. He rushed over to the other bunks and woke the others up as well, though didn't drag them off their beds as he had done to Crosshair. Hunter rubbed his eyes before attempting to get up, only to fall down again in exhaustion. Tech jolted awake, sitting upright very suddenly, resulting in him hitting his head on the bunk ceiling above him. He groaned and collapsed back into his bed, hand on his forehead. "Get up!" Wrecker continued, bouncing around the room, and Crosshair could have sworn he felt the room shaking.

  "Wrecker," Hunter moaned.

  "Todays the day!" Wrecker said excitedly. "We get to find out who's the oldest!"

  "Yay for you," Tech grumbled, rubbing his head.

  "I think Hunter's gonna be the oldest," Wrecker announced.

  "Not in a million lifetimes," Crosshair grumbled, still not budging from his position on the floor.

  "Aw, Crossy, don't worry, I'm sure you'll be second oldest," Wrecker said, lumbering over to him. "Now let's go! We're gonna be late, and I'll carry all of you if I have to!" As soon as the words left his mouth Crosshair felt himself being lifted from the floor, and for once in his life, he didn't resist, even as he was slung lazily over Wrecker's shoulder. Though he still grumbled tiredly.

  "Wrecker, put Crosshair down," Hunter said tiredly. "We're getting up."

  "Are we?" Tech sighed.

  "Ok," Wrecker said without hesitation. Crosshair didn't have any time to let out an exclamation before Wrecker dropped him to the floor. He let out an oof, and stayed there. Huh. Floor was comfier than his bed.

  "Let's get going before Wrecker brings the whole room down," Hunter sighed.

  Tech grumbled some more before getting up reluctantly. He stumbled out of bed and disappeared into the refresher. Hunter got up slowly, then reluctantly stood up and walked over to where their armor was stored. He kicked Crosshair in the ribs lightly while heading there, causing the sniper to curl in on himself and grumble something inaudible.

  "Come on Cross, we can't miss this," Hunter said. "Even if only Wrecker wants to know. Let's do it for him."

  "M' comin'," Crosshair mumbled, pushing himself into a sitting position. Before he could register what to do next, as he had only just blinked open his eyes, he felt someone roughly grab his arm and yank him to his feet. He let out a yelp as he was shoved into Wrecker.

  "There ya go," Wrecker said, a massive smile on his face. "You're up now."

  "Mhm," Crosshair mumbled. He staggered over to where his armor was stacked, and soon everyone got changed into it, ready for duty. Tech was already typing away on his data pad, while Hunter was smiling a yawn and Crosshair barely managing to stand. Wrecker was still beaming, and they all knew that this moment was important to him, so they all followed Wrecker down the hall as they walked to the place where they were to be informed of who was the oldest and youngest and in-between. Crosshair had to admit he was a little eager to know who was who. It'd been on his mind for a while, and now that it was actually happening, he was looking forward to it, but also a little nervous.

  "I think Tech's gonna be the youngest," Wrecker announced.

  "Unlikely, as my intelligence surpasses the three of you," Tech replied. He was not on his data pad for once, as Hunter had talked him out of it just for this one time, for Wrecker.

  "None of that intelligence can match muscle!" Wrecker snapped back playfully. "What if I'm the oldest?"

  "I don't think so," Hunter said. "You're literally a kid in an adult form."

  "Nooooo," Wrecker moaned dramatically. He glanced at Crosshair. "What do you think, Cross? Who's gonna be who?"

  "I don't care, just as long as I'm not the youngest," Crosshair growled.

  This earned a rare huff of laughter from Tech. "Do not hold your breath."

  Crosshair shot him a tired glare, then they rounded a corner and arrived at the room.

  "Let's go!" Wrecker said excitedly. He barged in the room, and the others followed in, less enthusiastically. When Crosshair's eyes adjusted to the bright lighting of the room, they widened in surprise at who he saw. Shaak Tii stood before them, clothed in long brown jedi robes. Wrecker faltered slightly, giving the General a rushed salute.

  The togruta smiled. "No need for formalities today, Wrecker," she said, her warm voice gentle as always.

  "Well?" Wrecker said excitedly. Hunter, Tech and Crosshair all stood beside him, looking ten times less enthusiastic, but somewhat eager and curious.

  "It appears…" Shaak Tii paused, letting the tension rise. "The oldest brother is Hunter."

  "Yes!" Hunter slapped a hand over his mouth in embarrassment.

  "Second oldest appears to be Wrecker."

  "Yeah!" Wrecker yelled loudly. "I knew it!"

  "You did not," Tech said, but a small smile played on his lips.

  "And the third youngest is Tech, leaving–"

  "Crosshair as the baby brother!" Wrecker yelped in happiness as Tech let out a relieved sigh. Wrecker squeezed Crosshair into a bone-crushing hug, and the sniper's writhed in it. 

  "There's got to be some sort of mistake–" He slipped out of Wrecker's grip and turned to Shaak Tii, and, for the first time in years, stared at her desperately. "I can't be the youngest. They won't let me hear the end of it if it's true. Tell me there's been some sort of mistake!"

  Shaak Tii just smiled fondly. "I am afraid not, Crosshair. The results were clear."

  "Noooooo," Crosshair groaned, sliding onto the floor with depleted hope. "This can't be."

  "Baby brothers need a hug?" Hunter teased.

  "I think he does," Tech agreed.

  "Don't you think–"

  "Here it comes!"


  All of Crosshair's pleas were cut short as he was suddenly squashed between his brothers as they all tried to hug him at once. Crosshair struggled vainly to get out of their grip, but it was no use, so he eventually had to give up, but he still remained tense as always.

  "Ha! He gives in," Wrecker growled in triumph.

  "Not that I had a choice," Crosshair grumbled.

  "Nah you did."

  "The kriff I did–"

  "Ooooh! Baby brother has a big mouth!"

  "Don't say that little boy, its for big boys to use."

  And so the agony began.

Some say he's still being called baby brother today.

I know, another short one. I think I'm gonna be doing a lot of short ones. Most will probably be to entertain you, or some rare ones to make you cry. You're welcome.

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