Chapter 11: Ai and Her Family are Attacked

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Ai was terrified as the hooded man entered into her home and held a knife to her struggling sons throat. Her voice died in her throat as she saw the man show obvious intent to harm her child.

Ruby whimpered as Ai shifted her daughter behind her, hoping to use her own body as a shield if need be. She didn't understand why the man was showing such a threatening display towards her and was terrified, worried something might happen to Aqua.

Aqua struggled to breath as the man kept a firm grip on his neck. He tried to struggle out of his grasp, even with the knife near his throat, but not only was he too weak, but with all the weight on his neck he needed both hands to grip the man's wrist and hold himself up.

He could tell this was the same man that killed him four years ago. It filled him with anger at how he returned to try and finish the job. He had no idea how he found them, but he did and now he was a threat to his new mother and sister.

Aqua didn't want to die again. However, he also needed to find some way to save Ai. If he had to die in order to protect her again, he knew he would. Ai would be devastated, after all, as a mother she felt compelled to protect her children. However, Aqua felt he was the one responsible to protect her since he made that promise when he was still an adult.

"I finally found you." He said in a crazed voice. "I'll make you pay for what you did."

Ai was now sure of what was going on. This man was a fan, though unlike some fans that would just be happy to see her, this one was an obsessed fan. He knew that she had children, and she could tell that he felt betrayed by that.

"Please-" Ai was cut off.

"Don't you dare try to say anything!" He yelled at her. "You lied to us! To all of us!" He accused.

"I-" Ai tried again.

"You always pretend to love us! To love your fans!" He monologued. "But you go and get pregnant! Even when you would claim that you loved us!"

So that's it. He was hurt by her having children.

Normally, a person would feel that this was unfair. That it was unfair to expect a person to remain celibate and childless in order to appease her fans. That her fans should try to accept her decision to have a family because it brought her happiness.

However, Ai felt bad for the man. He seemed like he loved her, if in a twisted way. Ai had no idea what love was, maybe this is what it was. They always say in movies and books that people do terrible things for love. So maybe this is what this was. She felt terrible and hurt at the thought.

However, Ai also knew that her children were in danger right now. Aqua still had a knife to his throat, just centimeters away from ending his life. Every fiber of Ai's being was screaming at her that this was unacceptable. That that knife should be at her throat and not her child's throat.

She trembled as she saw her son struggle. He looked so tiny and vulnerable in the man's grasp. His cute little face, which normally showed stoicism and even strength, was now scrunched up in pain and fear as he struggled to breathe.

"And you're scared!" The man screamed. "Scared about what happens to this worthless kid! Scared about his safety! Not giving a damn about your fans!"

"Yes, I'm scared." Ai said, hoping that if she can calm him down, she can turn his attention on her and not Aqua.

Aqua tried to speak. Tried so desperately to say something, anything. But all he could do was take another breath as the man tightened around his neck. If this continued, he'd probably pass out. He had to fight back. He had to do something to save Ai. Anything. Even if it was just a window to run and get help.

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