Chapter 47: A Bucket of Salt

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Ai sat next to Aqua while he was in a hospital bed... again. 

She was sad, again her son was beaten and injured and forced to go to the hospital for trying to fight and protect the family. First, he was hurt by Ryosuke, then that Yakuza guy at the concert, then Kamiki, and now this.

When will he just be safe?

Ruby was in her lap, cuddling her after the terrible experience. Luckily, the doctors confirmed that there was no damage to Aqua outside of minor bruising. His injured arm was slightly damaged, but he showed remarkable healing, which was attributed to his young age since children healed quickly. 

At least he would be ok. Still, she was going to get both of her children therapy. Especially after her son was forced to kill a man.

The image of the dead Yakuza guard didn't leave her mind. Her sweet and innocent baby boy was forced to kill someone. She hated herself for failing to protect him.

"What's wrong mama?" Aqua asked.

Ai leaned over and hugged him, careful not to hurt him. She felt tears coming but held them back for her childrens sake.

"I'm so sorry you and Ruby had to experience that." Ai said.

"It's ok mama." Aqua said. 

"No, it isn't. I am supposed to protect you." She said.

"Mama, you were kidnapped by armed thugs. Very few people could do anything against that." Aqua reasoned.

"Besides, that's papa's job." Ruby chimed in. "Right?" 

Ai wished that was the case. Eren would likely get life in prison, possibly even executed for his crimes. It could take years, but if they decided, they might execute him. 

Yet he did all that to protect her and the children.

"Hoshino-San." A nurse called into the room.

"Yes?" Ai responded.

"You have visitors." The nurse said.

Suddenly, the room was filled with not only B-Komachi, but the Student Council as well. 

"AI!!!" Meimei yelled as she ran over to embrace her friend.

"Meimei." Ai said as she hugged her back. 

"Ai." Saitou said sadly.

"President." Ai said.

"Come on, I'm not your boss anymore." He walked over and hugged her as well, his voice soft and vulnerable. "Just call me Saitou-San." He said.

"Well, I've spent so long calling you President, so I don't think I could stop." She smiled, which made Saitou smile.

"How's the baby?" Miyako asked.

"Aqua is fine." Ai said. 

"I mean the one in your womb." Miyako clarified. "I know you're still early, but it's dangerous after what happened." 

"The doctors looked at him or her. The baby is fine for now. The pregnancy is so early that there was very little chance of an accident." Ai said. 

"Thank goodness." Meimei sighed in relief.

The other girls of B-Komachi hugged Ai, Ruby, and Aqua as well, offering their sympathy and promising that they would help Ai and the kids. 

"I'm glad you're ok Ai." Kaguya said as she approached.

"Yea, we were really worried." Fujiwara said.

"I'm fine now, we all are. Thanks to Eren." Ai said.

"The news is saying he failed in kidnapping you after a disagreement in the Yakuza." Meimei said. "Though, I know that's wrong."

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