chapter 6 .

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Let's continue 💕......

Double update..... Guys

Mehendi event 😉....

All are getting excited for the event.... Some are excited to keep mehendi.. some are excited for girls and some are excited for boys .... And singles are chilling with their drinks.... And some are talking with their friends.... As it was the ladies event ... Boys and girls were sitting seperately....

( Note : as I was into taekook I will write taekook  marriage in a detailed way )
As the event started .... .. all girls were sitting at the event ..

 all girls were sitting at the event

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Jk came down....he sat while greeting everyone....
Jk - why are we sitting here .... I mean can't we go there ... He asked hobi ...
Hobi - well it's a ladies event gent's not allowed....
Jk - what nonsense.....he mumbled while looking everywhere.... Of the place ... As he was searching something probably like someone...... Soon hobi spoke.
Hobi - hey young man... For this event we need to wear green...
Jk - is that a rule...he said in a sarcastic way..which made hobi laugh ... As Jin spoke while coming to them ....
Jin - atleast try to wear it now kook... As she asked in a pleasing way
Jk - sorry not sorry mom ..... I can't ... And u know that too ... I can't do those things ....
Hobi -  exactly...but u look handsome tho ...
Jk - yup .....
He got up from his place and he started to search tae ....
Jk - where is this cute puffy doll .... Where are u angel... I can't wait to see you....

As he was searching......a cool Breeze hitted him he smiled knowingly that his was love was near him a result his heart beat raised.... He placed his hand on his heart and smiled..... As he turned around and found tae was laughing while talking to Jimin .....

He was mesmerized by tae .... Everytime....
Jk - uff ... This girl will kill me some time....

Tae pov - as I was talking to Jimin

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Tae pov - as I was talking to Jimin... Suddenly a cool breeze hit me....... And the heart beat got raised.... i placed my hand on my heart and looked forward and froze at my place ......

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