~Chapter 12~

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(WHOA! A real chapter that isn't 700 words!)

Apollo smirked down at his boyfriend, sound asleep in his bed. That boy could be a handful sometimes.

Apollo moved closer to Percy's desk, looking at the stuff scrawled on it. He had some random notes that Apollo didn't understand, but he guessed that Percy did. Having ADHD was like that sometimes.

'Strongest hero shattered to pieces,
Evillest villain ready to rise.
Olympians scattered to pieces,
Evil getting ready to strike.
The main of the seven must fight,
Leaving no trace in sight.
Slowly the seven will fall apart,
Leaving no one but the hero in sight.
What they don't know, the hero will break,
The seven destroyed, the world at stake.'

There was stuff written under each line.

'Strongest hero shattered to pieces, PTSD? Trauma?'

'Evillest villain ready to rise, Gaea, and she did already.'

'Olympians scattered to pieces, the fight? Arguments? Zeus' lack of work, depending on others because he thinks himself better, causing fights?'

'Evil getting ready to strike, Gaea, from my vision.'

'The seven must fight, but together or against one another?'

'Leaving no trace in sight, so either we destroy them or they destroy us completely.'

'Slowly the seven will fall apart, that fight a couple of days ago, the apology was forced, so have they already?'

'Leaving no one but the hero in sight, do they die? Switch sides? Or merely disband?'

'What they don't know, the hero will break, does that mean the stress or something else will 'break' me?'

'The seven destroyed, the world at stake, so of the seven fall apart or anything else, the world is at stake. There must be some other way to win with the seven disbanding, though...'

Apollo frowned and sat down, looking over the notes again, running scenarios over and over in his head. There were other pages full of similar stuff, but Apollo's brain was having a hard time trying to understand and comprehend anything.

"Hey," a voice croaked from behind him, making Apollo jump.

"It's morning already, and you say I'm obsessed with my work," Percy said sarcastically.

Apollo rolled his eyes.

"Nah, I just looked at your notes. They make loads of sense. At least some of them," Apollo added thoughtfully.

Percy nodded, stretching.

"Why did you come here in the first place? I'm glad, but why?" He asked confusedly.

Apollo sighed and turned to face Percy.

"The Olympians have stopped talking to each other. It's a real kindergarten fight, but nobody interacts with each other. Zeus stopped calling meetings because of all the tension in the room."

Percy started laughing. Apollo raised his eyebrows and looked at him.

"Sorry- it's just that- being such a drama queen, you'd think Zeus would like the tension, or somehow use it for his dramatic tendencies."

At that point, Apollo laughed alongside Percy.

"Well, that's my father for ya," he said with a wink.

With a happy sigh, Percy got his camp clothes and quickly changed, heading down to breakfast with Apollo once more. People whispered again, but they didn't even notice it as they talked happily and ate.

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