~Chapter 29~

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(A/N: This chapter is dedicated to NoahSaliah_belieber, I completely forgot abt Pain otherwise.

Sorry for the short chapter!)


"Love, it's getting late, should we return to the cabin?" Apollo gently murmured against Percy's hair, holding him in his arms.

"In a minute. Please," Percy murmured quietly, gazing up into the sky, his eyes still on the constellation of Zoë.

"Of course, Perce," Apollo sighed softly.

They sat there for a few more minutes, the gentle yet cold breeze of the night harsh against them, ruffling their hair.

"I'm ready now," Percy whispered eventually.

"Okay," Apollo replied softly, getting up and giving Percy a hand.

Percy took Apollo's hand, standing up and balancing himself.

Not letting go of each other's hand, two two began slowly walking toward Cabin 3.

"You good?" Apollo asked gently as they entered the cabin.

Percy sighed, shutting the door behind him, plopping down on his bunk.

"Yeah. Just kinda sad about Zoë," Percy replied quietly.

"No... thoughts?" Apollo winced apologetically.

"Nah. I won't hurt myself or anything, I'm alright," Percy promised gently.

"Good," Apollo smiled, ruffling Percy's hair.

"You'll be fine alone for a while if I went to Olympus for a bit, right?" Apollo questioned curiously.

"Oh, yeah, it's fine," Percy smiled.

"And you'll eat?" Apollo asked skeptically.





"I swear."


"I promise! I'll eat," Percy promised exasperatedly.

Apollo gave him a small, nonapologetic smile.

"I'll be back before you know it, love. Try to get some rest," Apollo sighed, gently headpatting his boyfriend.

"Fine. I'll be alright, 'Pollo," Percy tried to reassure him softly.

"Good," Apollo leaned down and kissed the top of Percy's head, "Take care, my love."

"Bye, 'Pollo," Percy sighed, lying down in his bed and turning away as Apollo flashed out.

Pain - A PJO FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now