Masashi Yuri (Class 1-B | MHA)

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Name: Masashi Yuri

Nicknames: Sashi / ShiShi / Yu

Hero Name - Gravity Hero: Zero


Hero Outfit:

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Hero Outfit:

Birthday: Feb / 19

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Birthday: Feb / 19

Zodiac Sign: Pisces

Height: 167 cm(5'6")

Voiced by: Yuichi Nakamura

Stand/Battle Cry: "ARIARIARI ... ! ARRIVEDERCI!"


Yuri is an intelligent, precise, stern Student with a genius-level intellect.

He can be calm, sensible, quiet, friendly, and gentle. He does not get into a lot confrontations with his classmates or his family.

He is more interested in his work than in his quirk or stand but he still attends to practice and works hard there as well as his projects.


Name: Gyrokinesis

Type: Emitter


Users can manipulate gravity, a natural phenomenon in which all things with mass or energy — including planets, stars, galaxies, and light — attract (or gravitate toward) one another.

Gravity manipulation would allow one to increase or decrease gravity, be it the environment's gravity or individual objects.

Increasing gravity would cause everything in an area to become heavier, causing loose objects to propel to the ground and cause people to be immobilized or crushed depending on the amount of gravitation force applied. When doing the exact opposite (decreasing gravity).

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