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Park y/n pov (till end)
I was getting despirate for the driver to get to school cause dad wants to kill me with is boring talk

"Don't forget you have piano lessons after school"I just nodded and kept on looking at the window,we finally got to school and I got down from the car and dusted my uniform

"Don't forget you have piano lessons after school"I just nodded and kept on looking at the window,we finally got to school and I got down from the car and dusted my uniform

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I closed the door and continued walking not turning to look at dad.

As usual everyone starts talking and murmming about things that is not their business I just ignored them and went to our personal room and saw je-na and seo Deo-on I dropped my bag and sat on the chair and crossed my arms and legs

"You have piano class today again"je-na said and I nodded

"Should we do it again"I looked at her and smiled

"Lets do it"je-na smiled and we bothe began to smile

"What are you guys planning"seo Do-eon said and we faced him

"Am going to get her out of going to paino class"je-na said still smirking

"You guys are so wow,anyways I can't join today got a family meeting"I pouted and did puppy eyes

"Nah a,that won't work again I have to go to this family dinner"I pouted and looked away then the bell rang and I went to class

After school
Me and je-na were coming out of school then I spotted my driver I dragged her to the corner

"Yah what was that for"she asked and I pointed to my driver

"How are we going to pass him"I asked her then she did a creppy smile then dragged a girl to us

"Hey do me a favour and tell him y/n is at the front of the gate"she pointed at him and she nodded and left,she told him and he believed and left we ran inside je-na car and went to her house to change

We got to her room and she gave me my cloth I kept in her house and we both changed
Y/n outfit

We got to her room and she gave me my cloth I kept in her house and we both changedY/n outfit

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