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I woke up the next day with a very big smile I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom and took a shower and wore my uniform and a sweater

I woke up the next day with a very big smile I stood up from my bed and went to the bathroom and took a shower and wore my uniform and a sweater

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I took my bag and went downstairs to find my brothers already eating breakfast I looked at yu-jun to find him already in his uniform

I took my bag and went downstairs to find my brothers already eating breakfast I looked at yu-jun to find him already in his uniform

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"Good morning princess"I was cut off my thought by ye-jun voice

"Why are you calling me that"I said while putting my bag on another chair and sitting in front of him

"Cause it suits you,did you sleep well"I nodded and he patted my head

"Morning yu-jun"I said and he smiled

"Morning bunny"he said

"Yah don't cal...."I was cut off by ye-jun

"Trust me will only call you this name at home we have too personality you know"I raised my eyebrow

"At home we may be sweet but outside we have serious faces"I nodded and smirked

"Who didn't say I have two personality, lately everyone identify me as a bully but I...."I got cut off again

"Who dares call you a bully"yu-jun said

"You will find out when we get to school"he nodded and continued eating

Ye-jun got up and took his bag next to him

"Got to go I have to get to class see you guys later and yu-jun be good"he said  and yu-jun just rolled his eyes

"Watch him he his really stubborn when he his angry so don't let anyone make him angry"I nodded and he left

"Are you done so we can go"I said and yu-jun took the last spoon of his food and stood up

"Let's go bunny"he said and took my bag and held my hand and we went outside

The driver bowed and we got inside the car and began to go to school

"So what's you guys highest rank in school"he asked

"Diamond"I said while scrolling on my phone

"Only that in my old school we have ruby"he said

"And which rank are you"I said

"Ruby and you?he said and I was about to answer when he cut me off

"Wait you have to be in the diamond cause dad owns the school"I nodded and he smirked

"Guess am going to the diamond section"he said and I giggled

We finally got to school and I was about to take my bag when yu-jun grabbed it first

"You can let me carry it you know"I said

"No that too much work for you just let me carry it bunny"he said and I chuckled and we got down from the car

Everyone was shocked to see me with him and began to whisper I took a glimps at yu-jun and he didn't even react

"So which class do you have"I asked

"I don't have any class in the morning just have to prepare for my exams that is coming soon"he said

"Ok then let's go introduce you to my friends"I said and he nodded

We got to the room, luckily everyone was there

"Y/n whose he"je-na asked

"Everyone this is yu-jun my brother"I said

"Brother how or do you mean cousin"Deo-on said

"No my biological brother, actually I have two the other one is in university"they were shocked

"Hi is nice to meet you all"he said

"So are you the same age with us or..."jae-joon said but was cut off by yu-jun

"No am a year older and am in my final year in highschool"he said with a poker face

"Anyways yu-jun this is je-na my best friend jae-joon and Deo-on my friends and Junwoo my boyfriend"I said and he faced we with wide eyes

"What"I said

"You have a boyfriend"he looked shocked as I nodded

"Why didn't you tell us"he asked

"Cause I forgot and I know u will meet him eventually"he nodded and sat down on a chair

"So yu-jun will you be part of the diamond section"jae-joon asked and he nodded

"Which position are you in you old school"je-na asked

"1st and I don't take second nor third"he said and stood up

"I have to go I have class right now"he said and patted my head and was about to leave

"And bun...I mean y/n let's eat together at lunch I have to go study.bye"he said and left

"I like your brother personality"junwoo said

"Yeah you will soon get to meet ye-jun soon
They all nodded and we all stood up and went to our classes

So guys the members where shocked to find out y/n as a brother

Don't worry the chapter is just getting started,let's see how ye-jun will react when he finds out y/n as a boyfriend

Thanks for 1.67k reads 🥳

Please read my new story the heirs 🙏👋

More chapters to come for this story and the new story

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Bye for now 🥰😍😘👋

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