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I smiled while carrying the bag of clothes we bought then I saw my dad coming out of his office with a man while laughing,I bowed not to be disrespectful

"Y/n this is Mr Choi and his my very good friend his son will be transfering to your school next week when he gets back from America"I nodded

"Yes and I want you to help him around"Mr Choi said and I smiled and went to my room

Next day
I got to school the same time with junwoo and I went to hug him,since he was taller than me he had to look down while I look up

"How was you night"I smiled widely

"It was ok"

"How was it ok with out me"he said while removing hair from my face when we suddenly heard a cough from out back

"Can you guys let the single breath"we looked to see je-na frowing and Deo-on laughing

I ran to her and hugged her

"Don't worry you aren't dieing"I chuckled so as others

"Come on lets go inside"Deo-on said and we all nodded.

My hand was intertwined with junwoo hand while I pressed my phone we were sitting on the chair in the lobby with my leg on junwoo while junwoo play with my hair besides he finally removed his masked and now every girl is drooling over him.

"I will be right back let me go get a drink"I nodded and he went to get a drink.

I was waiting for junwoo to come back when suddenly I felt someone pour something wet fall down my body I stood up to see that girl from yesterday

"Yah who do you think you are"I asked her and she scoffed

"Still don't remember be don't you"I studied her face carefully when I realize it was the girl who came to me and jongdae I was now pissed

"Oh you are that witch who made me brake up with my ex boyfriend"she smirked and I felt like taking that smirk away

"Glad you remember"she crossed her arms

"Dear you going to regret this"I went towards her and pushed her to hit the wall with my face close to her

"You messed with the wrong person"I was about to talk again when I heard my name I turned and saw junwoo

"Y/n what are you doing"he asked and I realsed her

"She poured a full bottle of juice on me"I said while glaring at her and she felt it but she decided to cut in

"How are you even dating her,can't you date someone that is in you league"she said while walking towards him and crossing her and with his I was about to speak but junwoo cut me off

"Your right"I was shocked by what he said and I saw her smirking

"You know u said I should date girl my league but u aren't even half to y/n's league and she's way more better than you,which means she's totally my type"he said and I just smirked while she was in shock he removed his hand from her and came towards me

"Come on you don't need to waste your time"he said

"Can you borrow me your juice"he looked at me with a confussed face but changed it to a smirked and handed me the bottle I went towards her and poured every last drop on her.

"Next time don't pass your league"I said and was about o leave when someone called my name again

"What now"I said and turned to see hye-in

"Wow long time no see,how you doing"I said with a smirk

"Why do you always have to bully people"I sighed and walked towards her face

"Dear she triggered my anger first  so hse got what she deserves and if you will excuse me I have to change my cloth"I said and turned before she could alter a word and I saw junwoo smirking then he put an hand on my shoulder

"Thats my girl"he said and he took me to the bathroom were u changed my cloth to a nice outfit

So guys how was this episode I made it a little longer than the others so i could please you guys and guys spoiler alert there will soon be a love triangle🫣🫣🫣

Guys have not yet see your request because you guys haven't talk I will be doing another what you want week upper next week so pls talk fast

Don't worrynezuko506i will soon write your story and you guys should pls tag me in your stories you write so my story can be popular

Thanks for 500 reads 🥳 love you all 😘😘😘

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