Exam problem

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Me and ye-jun are waiting for the car infront of the school when yu-jun spoke

"Bunny"he said

"What"I said raising my head from my phone

"You have exam next week right"he said

"Yeah so"I said

"Which rank are you in class"he asked

"1st"he turned is head to me shocked

"Serious"he said

"Yeah after me is jae-joon and then Deo-on"he nodded his head and gave me a thumbs up

"I guess smartness does run in the family"he said patting my head

"But you still have to study"he said and I frowned

"Look the car is here"he said pointing towards the car

We got into the car and the driver took us to school

When we got home ye-jun was already home he was on his laptop

"How was school princess"ye-jun said

"It was good"I said

"Bro let me tell you something"yu-jun said and went close to ye-jun ear and whispered something and ye-jun looked shocked and jumped up from his chair

"You have a boyfriend"ye-jun shouted and I looked over to yu-jun and he just shrugged his shoulders and took out his phone

"Yes and so"I said

"Why didn't you tell us"he said

"That's what I said"yu-jun said

"Cause I forgot"I said and began walking towards my room

I got to my room and changed my cloth

I took my phone and went downstairs to see that yu-jun as also changed his cloth

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I took my phone and went downstairs to see that yu-jun as also changed his cloth

I took my phone and went downstairs to see that yu-jun as also changed his cloth

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And was now doing something on his laptop

I went to their front and sat on the table looking them in the eye but both their eyes were on there screens

"What do you want princess"ye-jun said

"Answers to my question"I said

"Ok then bunny throw your questions and we will catch them"I smiled at yu-jun words

"Firstly do you have girlfriends"I asked them

"No"they both said together

"Ok then, favorite colour"I asked

"Blue"ye-jun said

"Mine too"I told him

"Mines black"yu-jun said

"It shows"I said looking at his outfit

"Since you guys are busy am going shopping"I told them and stood up from the table

"Let's go also need to get something"ye-jun said but yu-jun nodded

"Am not going I have to study"he said and closed his laptop and going upstairs

"Ok then let's go princess"he said and I nodded

We took the car and went to my favorite clothing store and choosed something's

"So do you only want to get something"I asked

"Yeah you shop am going to another store"I nodded and smiled and he left

"Even if we are not close don't they know my birthday is Tomorrow"I said to my self and sighed and started taking outfit

When I was done I was waiting for ye-jun outside the store and I finally saw him coming with a box in is hand and he was admire what was inside

When he saw me he quickly close it and began walking towards me

"Whats in the box"I asked

"Noting don't worry let's go home"I shrugged it off and we got into the car and the car took us home

So can anyone guess what ye-jun bought and is it for y/n for her birthday or just something for him

And will yu-jun buy y/n a gift

Don't worry the next chapter is about y/n birthday

Ish I spoiled it

Anyways thanks for 1.73k reads 🥳

More chapters coming

And pls read my other story the heirs 🙏👋 🥺

And don't forget to vote and follow me 😘😍🥰

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