Man with blue eyes.

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^ The picture will tell you whose POV the chapters are in.

This part is the first chapter told in Iguro's POV.

In this AU, spirits and ghosts can only be seen by a psychic or a medium. (Sanemi and Obanai are in this AU, but they don't know that.)

"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" The demon started shrieking when I cut off its head, "YOU F*CKING DEMON SLAYER!!!! WHEN I AM REBORN, I WILL KILL YOU!!!"

F*cking idiot. Demons go to hell and never see light, other than flames, again. The demon was cursing at me now. Ugh, this b*tch.

"Then I shall be waiting for you." I say, glaring at the disintegrating demon, the head of which was still cursing, profanities getting gradually worse. Once it had gone completely, I turned around and saw the man from earlier.

He was a good-looking man, I'll admit that. Something was wrong with him, though... his eyes were too bright... similar to that of an animal in the dark. They had a slight glow... his hair was also flowing in an unusual way. It was too... flowy?

Wait... that f*cking idiot! "I. Told. You. To. Run." I said, gritting my teeth. I was about to leave when I saw my crow, Yuan, nestled in the mans arms, looking at me with wide eyes...huh..? "What are you doing with Yuan? He doesn't usually like people."

The man smiled slightly, "I guess crows just like me." He pets Yuan's head and whispers something to him. Whatever. I turned around and ran off, glancing back, I saw Yuan nod and fly over to me.

"Goodbye, Lord!" Yuan shouted back as we disappeared from his view. Weird... Yuan doesn't address people respectfully often...

Just who is this man? Ugh... I'm going to find out. He's obviously not a human. People's eyes don't have a slight glow to them!

"You have a mission this way!" Yuan starts to fly in the opposite direction of the man. Are they working together? Is he trying to lure me away? Does Yuan know who the man is?

"No, Yuan. The mission is this way." I walk in the direction of where the man was. When I got back there, I saw him comforting...

What the f*ck is that!? It's f*cking see-through! Yuan lands on my shoulder, so I give him a questioning look.

"That is a spirit. I'm quite surprised you can see it, though. Only mediums and psychics can see them." Yuan explained, "Some are known as 'Ghosts'. They are just wandering spirits searching for rest..."

"Of course I can! I'm the Grim Reaper for God's sake!" The 'man' smiled.

"..." I look back at the man and the spirit. The spirit is sobbing his eyes out into the guys shoulder. "Why is he crying?" I asked, almost silent.

"Reflection can be a b*tch..." He looked at the two 'men' and sighed. "The spirit is remembering his life, and sometimes it is really quite horrible. You never know what pushed people to do things, so you can't judge too much..." Yuan watched as the spirit followed a raven away, smiling profusely as he left.

But my eyes never left the man with blue eyes. He was staring at something, and then he ran off! I quickly got up and started to follow when I heard a shout.

"HELP ME, PLEASE!!!" The voice basically screamed. Wait... I recognised the voice! I immediately turned to the direction of her voice.

"I'm coming!" I call out to her as I pulled out my Katana prepared for a fight. When I was standing by her side, she smiled at me. Why the hell did she scream? She's in no danger.

"Ara ara, Iguro-san! Thank you for coming!" F*ck you Kocho. I raised my eyebrow at her. "Ah, I wanted to see if you'd help me carry these. I'm too weak to do it myself..." She pointed at some heavy looking objects.

"Uh... I'm the second physically weakest Hashira. I probably won't do any better with the size of those things."

"Did you guys hear that?" We both jumped out of our skins when the voice spoke from behind us. I span around quickly, just to see a smug looking Uzui. "Did I scare ya?" He laughed for a moment before he went serious again. "But seriously, did you hear it?"

Kocho and I exchanged a glance, "Hear what..?" She asked him. We all knew Uzui had amazing hearing, so if he heard something unsettling, we should start to get ready for something big...

"It... It sounds like a person... but it's too quiet to be a human. It's too quiet to be a demon, too! And I can hear-" At that moment, Uzui shut up and indicated we do the same. He crouched behind a tree, and Kocho and I followed suit.

That was when we heard it. A soft, slow melody being sang in the most calming voice they'd ever heard. They looked around to see where it was coming from, and that's when they saw him.

He was leaning against a tree near a clearing. He was wearing black with chains decorating his jacket, hood, and shoes. His face was covered in shadow from his hood, but they could see his smile...

I shivered. That was an extremely confusing smile. It was eerie and yet calming. It was creeping me out. Who the hell was this guy!?

Suddenly, we heard another sound, and then we saw a fox go trotting over to the suspicious man.

"Hello, my darling." He crouched and patted its head. "You have come to die in my arms, yes?" He asked the fox, and it...

It nodded at him...

The man smiled at the fox, that same eerie yet calm smile, and pulled it onto his lap, humming a soft tune. We watched as the fox slowly closed its eyes and it didn't open them again. The man carefully put the body on the ground, and he picked up-...

...Another one of those f*cking spirit things!? What the hell!? A few moments later, "Can you guys see what he's holding?" Uzui whispered to us.

Kocho shook her head, "No. But he seems to be talking to it..." I was shocked. How am I the only one who sees it? I look back at the man and see him holding the fox's spirit whispering little compliments.

"What life is next?" He asks the fox. The fox replies, but I don't know what it said, I don't speak fox, the man seems to know, and I watch as the fox turns into a deer... "Go and find yourself a family." The man smiles and places the small deer onto the floor. It bounds off happily, jumping up and down.

The man watches it go before turning to face our direction. Though I can't see his eyes, I know they are looking at me... I can feel it.

"Should we kill it?" Kocho asks. "I have a poison that could-" I put a hand over her mouth and point at where the man was.

He was walking towards us, slowly. He then raised his hand and waved at us. Hesitantly, I raised my hand back. When he got 10 feet away from us, he stopped.

"Hello, my darlings." He smiled and bowed to us. "I have a favour I must ask of you." He stood straight up again.

"What is it?" Kocho asked. She obviously had no intention of helping him, so he completely ignored her.

"Uh... Help with what?" I asked him. I was still sceptical of him. I mean, why would you be holding spirits of the dead? And sending them off with birds??

The man answered my question, "I am looking for a Hashira called Sabito. Do you know him?" Sabito? Was this man going to harvest his soul or something?

"What do you want with him?" As much as I dislike Sabito, I don't want him to die yet.

"I need to collect the spirit of his crow, Kanzaburou. The poor old thing is on his death bed." He spoke so fondly of this bird...

"No. We don't know any Sabitos, unfortunately. Bye!" Uzui picked up me and Kocho and threw us over his shoulders and ran away from the man. "Sorry about this, but I don't trust him! He was walking to us but he didn't make a single sound! He wasn't even breathing!"

That man hadn't been breathing..? What kind of creature was he..?

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