Lucinda Ivanovitch

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⊱ Name, Nicknames, Alias' ⊰
➪ She was given the name 'Lucinda' at birth, but was nicknamed as 'Luci' from birth. She prefers to go by the ladder

⊱ Pronunciation ⊰
➪ Her first name is pronounced 'Loo-sin-dah' meaning 'light'

➪ Her middle name is Jane, meaning 'God is Gracious'

➪ Her last name Ivanovitch means 'son of Ivan'

⊱ Gender, Pronouns, Age ⊰
➪  Lucinda was born a female and continues to use those pronouns

➪ Lucinda is in her later teens and early twenties, she appears to be this age as well

⊱ Sexuality, Birthplace, Birthday ⊰
➪ Lucinda grew to realize that she was bisexual

➪ Lucinda was born and raised in Purgatory, while she has never considered moving out of Purgatory- she does want to travel the world

➪ Lucinda was born on August 12th, making her a Leo

⊱ Species ⊰
➪ Lucinda was born a human/reaper hybrid

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⊱ Body ⊰
➪ Hair: Lucinda got her mother's dark brown hair- it is wavy, but she keeps it cut at a shoulder length bob 

➪ Skin: Lucinda has fair skin in the winter time but tans very well in the summer and she's usually a bit darker

➪ Eyes: Lucinda inherited her father's dark purple eyes- but hers are a little lighter

➪ Height: Lucinda stands at 5 foot 5 inches tall

➪ Body Type: Lucinda has a feminine body type

➪ Tattoo's: Lucinda does not have any tattoos, she doesn't think she'll get any either- she doesn't really like how they look

➪ Scars: Lucinda does not have any scars

➪ Piercings: Lucinda has her ears pierced and wears dangle moon earrings most of the time

➪ Clothing Style: Lucinda likes to wear comfy, usually light colored and feminine clothing most of the time.

➪ Accessories: Lucinda wears a necklace with a little elephant on it and usually some sort of beanie in the colder months 
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⊱ Personality ⊰
➪ Lucinda is a friendly and kind hearted girl who tries her best to succeed and make others proud. She is responsible and hard working- even in things that she doesn't like doing, because she often strives to be the best. She is especially focused on goals she wishes to achieve, doing whatever she sets her mind to- but tries to help others do the same for themselves as well 

➪ Lucinda tends to hold high expectations for herself and gets down when she doesn't always live up to them- she often worries about what others think of her, which is a huge motivator for her to keep working. She is particular about how things are done, and sometimes forgets that her way in not the only to do stuff.

➪ Lucinda has a soft spot for her twin brother and small children, but usually tends to be set in stone in her decisions

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⊱ Interests, Habits, Likes and Dislikes ⊰
➪  Lucinda likes to draw, read, and roller-skate

➪  Lucinda's habits include biting her nails and tapping her fingers 

➪ Some of her favorite things include: sweaters, watching documentaries, and grape flavored candies

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