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The rest of the week didn't appear to get any better, having to spend it comforting Drew impossibly more than before as Shane was still yet to speak to him. In all honesty, I was surprised he hadn't physically visited his boyfriend and confronted him in his own home; It was gradually destroying him. By the time it reached the weekend once more, Drew had completely given up for good; his texts continuously came ignored, his calls were moved immediately to answerphone and his cries in college hallways were rudely responded with the blond placing earphones into his ears to signalise his refusal to acknowledge his existence - Shane wanted nothing to do with either of us, or anyone else for that matter.

Sitting in my usual seat at group therapy I stared intently at the door frame, waiting for Luke to arrive as my stomach bubbled with nerves of the possible events that may play out in this two hour slot. I'd never liked attending these sessions ever since they began, purely because although these people around me were going through equally painful experiences, they only ever cared for their own and they still believed they were the most superior. There were those with Clinical Depression, Social Anxiety, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, yet they'd still sit there with their noses turned up in front of those who may experience things similar to their own. In their eyes they didn't exist, and I hated that. This group was created as a mode of escape, a way of bringing like-minded people together and support another; Yet, these people treated it as if it was a competition... and don't get me started on the mockery that took place within these four walls.

"Is it alright if I sit here, or is Laurence already in it?" A guy mumbled beside me, causing a few early arrivers to snigger while he smirked in my direction. I don't recall ever seeing him here before, but that didn't mean he hadn't already heard of me and my raven haired companion beforehand; News traveled fast.

"H-He's not here today." I replied quietly, not giving the male the satisfaction of meeting his eyes as I stared down at my feet, the ends of my shoes crossing over another as a distraction.

The boy merely breathed out a short chuckle, seating himself down beside me and I could feel his burning gaze on my side, meaning I allowed my fringe to fall over from behind my ear in attempt to shrink away from it.

"You're not helping yourself, you know?" I heard him mutter to me under his breath, as if he didn't want the other 'students' to know he was interacting with me.

"What'd you mean?" I replied in the same tone, unable to stop myself from responding to him. I shouldn't submit to their cruelty, but I always felt so rude if I didn't respond when someone was talking to me.

"Talking about your invisible friend like he's real," was his blunt response. "You're just fueling the fire."

I couldn't help but shoot my head towards him, tucking my hair behind my ear while my eyes squinted into a hard glare, mouth forming a thin line. "He's not invisible." I snarled, causing him to chuckle. "He's not." I insisted.

"You're fucking crazy, man." He snickered, my eyes widened slightly at his words; I didn't even know the man and he seemed to be able to brand me so easily. I didn't understand.

Thankfully, Luke entered the room moments later, meaning all conversation ended to allow the session to run. Shane was nowhere to be found however, meaning all attention was on me and my 'invisible friend'.

"How have things been this week, Kier?" Luke asked me politely, a gentle smile on his lips as he asked his usual question in front of the whole group. When I responded with an unenthusiastic 'fine', he pressed the question further. "Is Laurence doing alright too?"

I nodded, twiddling my thumbs while attempting to block out everyone else around me, especially the chuckling acquaintance to my left. "Y-Yes, he's doing good. W-We were thinking of going to the cinema later... H-He says it's a date." I stumbled out, not entirely sure why I felt the need to share that snippet of Laurence and I's relationship with a group of people who refuse to believe of the man's existence, but Luke shushed them as soon as the first spurt of laughter was released.

"That sounds lovely, Kier." He replied, his smile surprisingly comforting. "I hope you both have a lovely time."

After the first hour Luke gave us all a ten minute break, smiling in my direction as usual before leaving the room. I followed suit moments later, not wanting to give the others around me a mere second to strike and insult me while he wasn't around. Taking a breath of fresh air as I hurried out the centre I leant against the wall, always feeling vulnerable and lonely when Laurence wasn't around. My head fell back against the brick, my eyes closing while I willed myself to gather the strength to return to the group, yet fear instantly shot that thought away. I was almost thankful when a buzz erupted from my jacket pocket, my phone signalling I'd received a text:

Shane: Are you at the group? I need to talk to you.

My eyes squinted in confusion, taking a glance at the area surrounding me, as if to see if he was watching me, before responding.

Kier: I am, yes. What do you want?

I'd decided to keep it blunt, not wanting to give him the impression that I was forgiving him for the way he'd been treating his boyfriend recently.

Shane: I need your help; I don't know what to do and I can't talk to anyone else about it.

Kier: Shouldn't you be here anyway? I'm sure Luke could give you advice.

Shane: Please, Kier. I'm desperate, I don't know who else to speak to. I know you'd understand.

Kier: Why? Because I'm crazy?

I pierced my lips together after sending the last message, suddenly realising just how desperate Shane must be to text me about it, and sent another;

Kier: Know the cafe in the town centre? I'll be there in 10 minutes. Meet me.

Inhuman [Keveridge/Shier]Where stories live. Discover now