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With a small sigh I reluctantly accepted consciousness, squinting at the light shining from my bedroom window before rolling over so my back was facing the wall. I released a small groan as my eyes had finally adjusted; regardless of how I hadn't woken once throughout the night I still felt as if I'd been awake through it all. Blinking rapidly I gazed around the well-lit room, only remembering last night activities at the sight of my boyfriend perched at my desk, his back to me while staring at something on the table. With another grunt I moved into a seating position, shuffling from the comforts of the covers and stretching before moving to his side. There was no sign of Shane at my feet, his makeshift bed folded into a neat pile near my bedroom door.
"Huh." I mumbled, eyes turning to what Laurence appeared to be staring at; a bus ticket that I knew didn't belong to me. Lifting it to my eye line I noticed the faint black scribble written at an awkward angle:

Had to go home; Uncle. Thanks for the night. - S.S

"Huh." I repeated, before scrunching up the note in my tight fist and dropping it into the overfilled bin near my desk. I then returned to bed, not caring for college today as I buried myself into the sheets. I felt Laurence's gaze on my bundle of blankets, yet I didn't care; His lack of enthusiasm yesterday confused and scared me - why wasn't he happy that someone cared for us both? I risked a small sniffle, knowing I was becoming hopelessly emotional on the matter. It was only at that point that I lifted my head for air, blaming the liquid dripping down my cheeks on the fact I was overheating under the quilt. However, the moment I raised my head I was met with Laurence lying beside me and smiling timidly at our contact.
"What?" I croaked out as quietly as possible, running a hand across my cheeks to wipe away any evidence of my emotions. He raised his hands, forming a heart while he continued to smile. I merely shook my head, yet felt instantly guilty as his smile dropped to a heartbreaking frown.
"Y-You don't get to be like that," I mumbled, pulling the quilt tighter into my neck. "You're the one who's acting weird. You should be happy that Shane has accepted us; he used to be a complete stuck up snob."
He didn't react to my words, merely nodding towards the door and my college backpack that was hanging from the handle.
"I'm not going in today." I explained, not feeling up for having to endure Drew's moods or the teacher's passive comments on my lack of progress. "Now, explain."
Laurence appeared to sigh, running his hand over his face before stubbornly pointing towards the bin where the ticket was, before shaking his head, then gesturing to the both of us with a finger flicking in our directions.
"...Shane doesn't understand?" I mumbled in explanation for his actions, partly hoping I understood them correctly but partly wishing I was incorrect. Shane did understand; he saw him. "But Shane told me he believed me."
Laurence shook his head, gazing sadly in my direction before leaning up slightly to 'kiss' my forehead.
"Laurence, this is Shane we're talking about," I replied, shaking my own head. "He'd have said something; he has accepted us."
I released a small frustrated sigh, hating Laurence's lack of belief in Shane before the sound of my phone's ringtone caught my attention. Leaning over to grab the device I stared curiously at the ID, my eyebrows raising in surprise. I spotted Laurence's glare at the screen before I answered.
"Hello? Shane?"
"Hey," He replied, his voice confusingly causing a small smile to grow on my lips while I settled back into my bed. "I didn't see you with Drew this morning, so I just thought I'd call to check in on you. You in college?"
My eyebrows rose once more, not quite understanding why he'd do this; However, I was going to abuse his affection anyway.
"Oh, umm, no; I thought I'd take the day off," I stumbled in explanation. "Not really up for dealing with the lecturer's lack of encouragement, you know?"
Shane hummed, the background noise of shuffling filling my ears before it settled. "Yeah, Drew's told me about your joy of an English teacher before; she got a thing against you?"
I nodded, before realising that he couldn't see me. "Definitely, apparently convinced that my A Level in English is near impossible for me. Admittedly, my copy of Wuthering Heights is gathering dust, but it's not my fault that my idea of a good evening doesn't involve Emily Bronte's warped idea of romance."
Shane laughed, and I found myself wrongly desiring the sound over and over again.
"It's not that bad; I managed to find quality deep within occasionally." He replied, and I couldn't help but imagine his rare teasing smirk on his lips at that moment.
"Oh, yeah? Didn't think of you as a Bronte fan..."
"Well, while your childhood reading material probably consisted of 'The Golden Trio' I was forced to spend way too many evenings cuddling up with Dickens and The Bronte's; my parents are probably the first and only fans."
"That's a bit shit," I commented, not entirely sure how else to respond to that.
Shane released a small 'Eh' before responding. "I bet you can imagine how they took the news that their A* student was going into Art, while they had already planned my future at Oxford."
"Fuck 'em," I replied, causing him to chuckle. "You're the best artist I know."
"I suppose." He replied, a little quiet before he cleared his throat. "Anyway, about your English dilemma; I could always tutor you if you want?"
My throat tightened, eyes widening as I stared at the ceiling, unable to stop my tongue from repeatedly dampening the surface of my lips.
Shane hummed. "Sure, I mean, it's the least I could do, right?"
"Drew won't be off about it or anything?"
He hummed once more. "I don't see why not; plus, there's not really any reason for him to know. You know, considering the circumstances."
"I still think you should tell him." I muttered, referring to his health.
"And I will, eventually."
He cut me off. "I finish at 1pm. Meet me at the coffee shop?"
I sighed, reluctantly dropping my thoughts about his relationship and agreeing to his meeting place.
"I won't let this go though, you know that, right?" I added, a small frown forming on my lips.
"I know," was his only response before ending the call, causing me to sigh once more.

Inhuman [Keveridge/Shier]Where stories live. Discover now