Chapter six: busted

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Quinn's POV:

"Wow... That's definetely crazy...", Mary breathed out after I told her about Ari while we had breakfast on a sunday morning. I nervously drank my tea and sighed. Ari's behaviour wasn't normal and it was clear that my sister wanted me to end things with her before it would be too late but she didn't dare to say it to me. She knew that I loved Ari and wanted to support it but she couldn't ignore Ari's aggressive behaviour and I couldn't either anymore.

Ari always was very clingy and forceful when she was with me but now it became worse. Did she actually think that I was her property? "Quinny... I know you like her a lot but if she doesn't change her behaviour, then your releationship might turn into an abusive one. You either talk to her or you end it with her but you can't go on like this.", she explained and I rubbed my hands all over my face.

"I tried to tell her to slow down or being more gentle with me but everytime I did, she either was offended or she didn't react to it.", I told her and she sighed while she gently caressed my wrist. "So she doesn't really pay attention to your feelings?", she asked and I immediately shook my head. "She does care about me a lot. She mostly is kind and sweet towards me. She only gets more aggressive when I don't respond to her advances.", I explained to her and she raised her eyebrow.

"That means she does care about your feelings as long as they aren't negative towards her. I think she is pushing you into becoming her property, who she can treat as she pleases.", she said and I pulled my hand away from her. "No... Ari would never do that to me...", I muttered out very shocked and Mary gently caressed my arm. "I know it's hard to admit that a person, you have strong feelings for, is actually toxic and not good for you but if you ignore it, then it will be worse in the future and even harder to get away from.", she explained and before I could reply, I saw our mother walking into the kitchen.

Mary and I immediately were quiet and just greeted our mother. "It was nice of Riley to let you spend the night at her house.", my mother said while she filled her cup with coffee. I looked at her very confused before I remembered that I told her that as an excuse since she didn't like Ari. "Yes... It was.", I replied very dry and wanted to leave but Mary walked right behind me. "Don't let love make you blind.", she whispered into my ear and I gulped before I closed the door to my room.

I punched the wall very frustrated. I didn't know what I should do with Ari... I loved her and no one ever made me feel so special like she did but when she had her passive aggressive moments, she scared me a lot and I could always see an obsessive glint in her eyes. But she stated so often that she loved me and being loved by someone was such a wonderful feeling. A feeling I only had with my sister but with Ari it wasn't just different... It was also stronger and I didn't know, if I could just end it.

While I was thinking, I heard that the doorbell suddenly rang and Mary went to answer it. I walked out of my room to see who it was and my heart made a huge jump when I saw Ari... Why was she here? Didn't she know that my mother would totally freak out when she saw her? I hid behind the wall and I could hear that Mary tried to get her to leave but Ari was persistent.

"Who is at the door Mary?", I heard my mother yell out of the kitchen. "Our neighbor Misses Hastings. She just wanted to ask, if we could give her some sugar!", Mary yelled back since she knew that exposing Ari could lead to an argument. "Tell her we don't have enough!", my mother yelled back after a while and Mary turned around to Ari again.

"Don't you see how risky it is to show up here? So please just leave before my mother sees you.", she whispered to Ari and wanted to close the door but Ari put her foot between the door and stopped her from it. "I won't leave without seeing Quinn. If you don't bring her to me, then I will go to her myself.", Ari hissed back. "You can't...", Mary whispered at her very angry and I knew that Ari would definetely do that. So I decided to get out of my hiding place to face her before the situation could escalate.

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