Chapter 2

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Qin Jiu really took You Huo on a tour of the estate a day later, lamenting how the summer country house was larger and had more interesting places to explore, but they couldn't go there until weeks later, and so on.

The mansion they were touring was grand, with ornate architecture and lush gardens. Qin Jiu pointed out several interesting places, such as the library filled with copies of the manuscripts and antique books he brought from the continent, the private art gallery displaying works Qin Jiu selected himself, and the underground wine cellar stocked with his favorite collection wines. Yet many of the mansion's rooms were still under ongoing renovations or maintenance work, as Qin Jiu bought the house not so long ago.

During the stroll, You Huo couldn't help but notice how Qin Jiu was constantly observing his reactions and making small adjustments to their route based on his interests. Despite his initial confusion about Qin Jiu, You Huo found himself amused by the man's unpredictable nature and genuine consideration for his feelings.

The tour finished at the stables, where Qin Jiu showed him his war horse, a loyal companion from his army days. The red stallion was getting there in years, and the fierce beast, according to Qin Jiu, was becoming more amiable. He even let You Huo run his fingers through his thick mane.

While laughing and spinning tales about his time on the front lines, Qin Jiu accidentally placed his hand atop You Huo's palm.

You Huo could feel the heat of the other's body through a few silky strands of the horse's mane that separated their skin. He flinched involuntarily, sharply taking his hand from under the other's. Qin Jiu froze.

Because both humans stopped patting him, the horse neighed disapprovingly.

"Forgive my carelessness," Qin Jiu murmured, his face tense with apprehension.

"It's fine; I was just startled. " You Huo stated. It wasn't the right time or place for his over-sensitivity, just like any other time or place.

He didn't want these displays of this hidden weakness of his to drive Qin Jiu away. The two of them had enjoyed a pleasant partnership thus far, but You Huo knew how fickle society could be. One wrong move, and the disdainful glances would start creeping in. Yet, as he casually glanced at Qin Jiu, he couldn't find any traces of disgust or alienation on his face.

Qin Jiu didn't seem to mind that kind of behavior from him. He seemed like he wanted to say something to You Huo when the stable boy interrupted them by leading in a gorgeous, two-year-old colt with a shining dark coat.

"Ah, right! "There it is—a wedding present for my dear spouse!" Qin Jiu patted the young stallion on the neck and pushed him into You Huo's arms.

"Do you like him?" The colt was already adorned with a halter, and it seemed as though Qin Jiu had planned it all out in advance. You Huo did not object to the notion and thusly mounted the horse with great ease.

He wanted to ride out of the stables, but Qin Jiu suddenly stopped him.

"Your boot laces..." You Huo really saw that one of his laces had come undone.

"Can I?" Qin Jiu gestured towards his right boot, looking up at him, his eyes searching his expression for any discomfort.

"Yes, please." You Huo didn't know why he paused before responding. Tolerating that kind of touch, or any touch for that matter, was nothing to him; he forced himself to get used to it a long time ago. Only strangers or something unexpected could startle him and make him show that vulnerable side, which he so fervently kept underwraps, to others.

While Qin Jiu fastened the shoelace for him, he barely sensed anything, but there was a peculiar glimmer in his eyes. You Huo felt a sense of connection, like something had changed—something he never thought possible after years of training himself to stay away from others.

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