Chapter 12

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You Huo was awakened from his slumber by soft, feather-like kisses on his forehead. Gradually regaining his senses, his bleary gaze fell upon Qin Jiu, who sat by his side, holding an envelope in his hand—a letter that bore the seal of none other than the Crown Prince, addressed to You Huo.

You Huo lazily gestured for him to unseal it so they could read its contents together.

It was probably unwise for him to peruse the words of that jerk first thing in the morning on an empty stomach, but if he hadn't, he wouldn't have been able to overcome the temptation to throw it in the trash otherwise.

The letter's sophisticated calligraphy contained the following insulting words:

My Dearest You Huo, Upon receiving tidings of your splendid marital alliance, I find myself immersed in a sea of melancholy. Pray, does not my heart ache to witness such neglect? Was I not the initial petitioner for your esteemed presence and benevolence? What treasures does HE possess that surpass my own?

You Huo couldn't help but laugh out loud at the crown prince's preposterous viewpoint on relationships.

With a heavy heart, I must impart to you the news that I am compelled to delve further into your cherished husband's dealings. It grieves me deeply to consider the possibility of any inadequacy lurking within his business affairs. Permit me, however, to offer an alternative path, one wherein your soothing presence and heavenly visage may quell my anxieties. Surely, your husband will understand and express gratitude for your selfless resolve.

With unwavering devotion,

Du Dengliu, your future sovereign.

"I'll surely express my gratitude if his highness will shut his elitist trap." Muttered Qin Jiu under his breath.

Noticing You Huo's darkened expression, Qin Jiu leaned forward in his high-backed chair, his eyes alight with determination.

"It was but a matter of time," Qin Jiu began, his voice steady. "The prince's ambition has finally come to bear on my company. We knew it; that's why we have our plans ready, remember? So don't fret so much; we will be fine. Just ignore him for now." He took You Huo's hand and squeezed it, "After all, I have nothing to hide."

Qin Jiu's words were meant to reassure him, but deep down, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of unease. He was well aware that contending with the machinations orchestrated by the prince would prove to be no easy feat.

Qin Jiu, with a lackadaisical air, carelessly discarded the letter into the trash bin as if it held no significance. In an attempt to divert their thoughts from the matter at hand, he proposed that they focus on food. "Let us cast aside this troublesome affair," he declared in a casual manner. "Our esteemed cook has artfully prepared a dish of Smoked Haddock Kedgeree to satiate our palates!"

The notion of food made You Huo momentarily forget about that looming problem.


The rigorous training had served as a temporary escape from the troubles that plagued his mind, yet now, as he was entering his home, his thoughts once again turned to the morning's letter.

As Qin Jiu stated, they had a plan and had taken all necessary precautions, but who can predict what that lunatic will do in his quest for possession? His greed will never be satisfied.

Even though Qin Jiu assured him many times that he had been on the crown prince's 'hit list' for a very long time already, he still couldn't reconcile with himself bringing danger to Qin Jiu.

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