Chapter 11

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Sorry for the long delay! I wanted it to be good 🤭! Enjoy!


The morning after the duchess's masquerade and You Huo's fencing match, the streets buzzed with excitement and gossip. The news of these remarkable events spread like wildfire, captivating the attention and imaginations of all who crossed paths. Amidst the whirlwind of gossip and speculation, a singular piece of information seized hold of the collective consciousness: an enigmatic pair of mysterious and hermetic newlyweds, had been sighted engaged in illicit behavior within a hidden alcove. This revelation dispelled any lingering doubts regarding the rumors that their marriage was fictitious.

Unaware of the commotion their actions had caused, Qin Jiu and You Huo decided to go out for breakfast at Wiltons'. They were accompanied by Francesco and Hou Feng, both bearing expressions of regret for having missed the exciting event. The atmosphere was tinged with mirth as they discussed what they had heard about the circumstances of last night.

The packed restaurant was filled with patrons enjoying their breakfast as the four of them sat at a corner table adorned with silverware and fine china.

"The duchess's masquerade is certainly the talk of the town." Huo Feng confided in hushed, conspiratorial tones, leaning closer to his companions.

"Ah, but what everyone is truly buzzing about is the shocking sighting of you two in that dark corner." Francesco added teasingly.

Hou Feng raised an eyebrow: "Oh my! The scandalous lives you lead."

They chuckled as they perused the Wiltons' menu. They indulged in plates of oysters, for which the place was renowned, while engaging in pleasant conversation.

Hou Feng sighed: "I can't believe we missed your fencing match, You Huo. It must have been quite a sight!"

You Huo nodded appreciatively but had a preoccupied expression on his face throughout the whole morning. Qin Jiu grinned and hugged him by the shoulders: "Well, my friends, you'll just have to imagine it because it was nothing short of extraordinary! The most gorgeous sight there was my husband!"

Their laughter at Qin Jiu getting smacked by his most gorgeous husband filled the air until it was interrupted by a cocky man in his forties dressed in luxurious clothing. He approached their table with calculated malevolence in his gaze fixed on You Huo, who quickly recognized Sir John Bathurst, the crown prince's most superserviceable and sycophantic crony, in him.

Sir Bathurst, with a disdainful curl of his lip, taunted in a manner befitting a jesting courtier, "Ah, the notorious ex-captain of guard! Not yet tired of partaking in this most whimsical game of hide and seek with our esteemed Highness?" The room around them erupted in whispers and stifled conversation as they observed the scene unfold before them.

The audacity of Sir Jon Bathurst's remarks struck a nerve with Qin Jiu: "Shouldn't you watch your words, Sir, in front of a happily married couple?"

"Oh, from what I've heard, your marriage is indeed very harmonious! However, mister Qin, I must remind you that the crown prince still yearns for your husband's affection."

You Huo's countenance grew frostier by the moment as he discreetly tightened his fists beneath the sturdy oak table. Suppressing his rising fury, he spoke with an eerie composure that harbored a distinct air of disdain, his words laced with a subtle yet unmistakable insolence. Unperturbed by the unwelcome presence that had intruded upon their gathering, You Huo denied the interloper even a glance and uttered: "If you have something to say, sir Bathurst, say it plainly. We have no time for your games."

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