Chapter 14- I'll Be There

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Brielle's POV

6 months later (October 1991)

"Devante' get off of me," I giggled as he put his full weight on me . He didn't want me to leave him and was being silly and clingy as hell right now . I was only going back to Texas for a few days . I missed my family and was just going to check in with them . My mom had been bothering me about coming to see her for the past few months . I was going to wait until November and go out there for my birthday and stay through the week of Thanksgiving, but Devante' made a big deal about wanting to spend time with me for my birthday because he had something special planned so I rearranged my plans and decided to go see my mom and the rest of my family early .

Honestly I'd lost track of time . Ever since Devante' took the DNA test and found out that the baby Kara was carrying wasn't his, we've been living in pure bliss. He kicked her back out on the street and now we spend almost everyday together . If he's not at my house, i'm over at his . It doesn't help that we live a few blocks over from each other . We still haven't made it official yet even though we've both agreed that we're pretty much dating exclusively now meaning that I'm not talking to anyone other than him and vice versa . I admit, I was a little scared at first but everything seems to be going smoothly . We haven't had sex yet , but we've had some very heated make out sessions . I don't know , I feel like we'll just know when the time is right . We're really just going with the flow and enjoying each other's company .

The creation of my album is going smoothly as well . We've pretty much managed a healthy work and personal relationship . In the studio he treats me like all of the other members of his basement crew and stays on my ass about singing every note perfectly, but then as soon as we're alone and i'm out of the booth he's a big soft baby again & constantly apologizing for his behavior while at work . He claims he can't help that he's a perfectionist and that everything must be perfect . I don't mind though, as long as those other females that hang around the recording studio and love clinging to him like lost puppies know that at the end of the day he's mine .

I really don't have a problem with anyone but Rolita  and this girl named Arlene that's always with Mary . It's just something about them that rubs me the wrong way . Every time I look up one of them is glaring at me like I stole something from them . Until they say something to me personally, I'm going to keep ignoring them and focus on what i'm here for and that's to create an album .

"Do you have to go? We can fly your people out here or something," he whined into the crook of my neck which tickled and caused me to try to push him away once again to no avail.

"Babe, I promise I'll be back before you know it . Now quit acting like a baby," I scolded sounding a lot like my mom .

He smacked his large lips and finally took his weight off of me which I used as an opportunity to escape out from under him .

I gave him a kiss on the cheek to make him feel better but he only side eyed me with a salty expression on his face causing me to giggle .

"This shit ain't funny . What am I going to do with all this spare time on my hands?"

I gave him a knowing look .

"Now you know you and your brothers are probably going to the strip club once I leave," I half joked . They loved dragging my man along with them and their hoe adventures . K-Ci was such a man whore . He's always the one planting bad ideas in everybody's head . If it's not him, then it's Dalvin . JoJo is the only other calm one besides Devante' . I'm actually closer to him than the other two band members . He's such a sweetheart despite his standoffish attitude . Once he let you in, you couldn't help but to love him and his goofy personality . He and Devante' seem so cold and nonchalant in interviews, but that's far from the truth . Though , De can be a little moody at times lol .

He rolled his eyes slightly and smirked because he knew it was the truth .

"Now, come on before I miss my flight !" I said changing the subject and pulling him up by his left arm .

He grabbed all of my luggage and dragged his feet behind me . I made sure to lock my door as I made my way toward his car and got in . De was still placing all of my things in his trunk when I noticed a velvet red gift bag sitting on top of his dashboard .

Before I could be nosey, he had opened the driver's seat and startled me a little bit . Glancing over at me , he saw that my eyes were glued to the small gift back and he smiled .

"Go ahead and look in it . It's yours."

I didn't even hesitate , I quickly grabbed the gift bag and pulled the tissue paper out of it to see its contents. I loved receiving gifts just as much as I loved giving them .

Inside was a rectangular black box . I slowly opened it and smiled in satisfaction as I pulled a silver necklace with a small cursive "D" initial charm dangling from it.

"Aww, baby it's so cute ! Thank you !!l I squealed as I pulled him into an awkward side hug due to how we were sitting in the car .

"You sure you like it ?" I mean i'm not used to doing this kind of thing for a woman, but I wanted to give you something nice and something that made you think of me while you were away, you know what i'm saying ?" He said as he looked down awkwardly.

I could definitely tell that he wasn't used to expressing his feelings and it was so cute and so sweet of him that he was trying .

"Yes De, I love it ," I said using my right hand to slowly bring his face up to mine and planting a kiss on his full , plump lips .

He gave me one of his goofy grins before grabbing the necklace from me and ordering me to position my body the other way so that he could place it around my neck .

After a few seconds the letter "D" now hung from my neck and it looked nice there if I do say so myself .

Satisfied by seeing me wearing something that claimed me as his own, De started the car and drove the 30 minutes it took to get to the airport from my house .

Once there, De got my luggage out of the car and set it on the ground beside me but handed me my duffle bag which i secured on my shoulder .

"Well I hope you enjoy yourself and I'm ready for these 3 days to be over with already," De said as he stared down at me sadly . The look on his face almost made me say fuck this trip and climb back in the car with him , but I know that wouldn't go over well with my mama who was waiting for my arrival in Houston .

I wrapped my arms around his waist and stood on my tippy toes so I could give him a nice , sloppy kiss that he would remember . De made it easier by leaning down slightly so that our lips could connect more easily . He wound his arms around me as well and held me tight as our lips moved in synch .

After a few seconds we pulled away from each other sadly .

"I'll see you later babe. Stay safe." With that I grabbed my rolling suit case and Devante' gave my ass a light squeeze causing me to swat at him hands with my free hand .

He laughed as I finally turned around and begin walking toward the airport's entrance . I could feel his eyes burning a hole in my back the whole time . Before making it all the way inside , I looked back at him just as he opened the driver's door and was preparing to get in his car and blew a kiss at him . He pretended to catch it with his right hand and placed it over his heart before smiling at me showing all of his teeth .

I couldn't help the butterflies that flew around in my stomach as I took in the scene . He was so handsome and loving . I just hope things would always stay this way between us.

Boy was I wrong though .....

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