Chapter 17- Texas

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Bri's POV

The past 2 days with my mom have been great . I got to see some of my uncles that I hadn't seen in awhile and also my grandma . I took her and my mom shopping and to get pedicures . I didn't realize how much I missed them until now . Gosh , I really had my nose stuck up Devante's ass this entire time .

"So tell me about Devante," my mama said as she looked over the menu . "That boy is a heart stopper for sure. Skinny green eyed self ," She giggled .

I decided to spend some time with just the two of us and I decided to take her to her favorite restaurant this evening and of course my dating life came up & i mentioned Devante's name . She said she knew somebody had been stealing all of my attention .

"There's not really a lot to say . I mean i like him a lot . he feels the same way about me & right now we're just taking things slow . We don't want to rush anything ," I explained shrugging as I stuffed some of the pasta into my mouth .

"Something tells me that it's more than you just really "liking" him," She said as she gave me a knowing look .

"Mamaaa," I groaned .

"What ? I barely hear from you and you're in a whole other state . I just don't want to be left out , that's all."

Hearing her say that made me feel bad for not talking to her as much as I probably should . I've just been busy and when I wasn't busy I was always around Devante . I haven't mentioned anything to her before because we weren't officially an item yet and I didn't want to get my hopes up . After all, it's been 6 months and he hasn't asked me to be his girlfriend yet . I know we're taking things slow but at the same time I'm starting to wondering if he's ever going to ask me to be his girl officially . I've been dropping hints but he seems to not even catch on .

"So how long have y'all been dating ?"

I swallowed the pasta that was in my mouth and took a quick sip of water before answering her .

"We've been dating exclusively for 6 months now."

"So is he officially your man or not ?"

I sighed .

"I mean we have an understanding and we aren't seeing other people but we're not "official" yet," I said as I avoided eye contact with her . I already knew she was about to give me a lecture .

Her lips twisted as soon as she heard my last statement .

"Now , I know you're grown and I'm not trying to tell you what to do but don't get caught up waiting for something that might not happen . As i mentioned before , Devante is a nice looking young man and I'm sure he has women practically throwing themselves at him . That group that he's in is really popular right now . I just don't want you to get your feelings hurt ."

I slightly rolled my eyes . This is why I tried to keep this part of my like private from her . She was always being judgmental about stuff that she didn't understand and turned everything into a lecture . Why couldn't she ever just be happy for me .

"I appreciate your opinion, mom but like you said I'm an adult now so I really don't need the lecture . I promise you i'm not stupid enough to wait around for years and years for a man to finally claim me."

We sat in silence for a few seconds as my mom kept shooting me disapproving glances .

"I'm sorry baby . I just don't want to see you heartbroken like you were when you and Rome broke up ."

The mention of my ex's name sent a jolt through my heart that I tried to ignore .

"That's different, Ma . We'd been together since we were kids so yeah I took that hard. But with this situation , we're not in that deep so if something does happen right now , it won't sting as bad," I said trying to reassure her and myself .

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