10:15 a.m

3 0 0

A/N: So this chapter involves a lot of torture and rape. If you don't think that you can handle that, please skip this chapter, and possible the next one. Thank you for reading. 

I hear a door close then more footsteps. I look up and see Micheal in the doorway, smiling wickedly at me. He comes over to me and places a hand on my inner thigh, making my entire body tense up.

"You know, I wasn't going to hurt you anymore. I was genuinely wanting to keep you safe until the game starts again. But then you called the police. And all of my love for you faded away. My physical body still feels an attraction to you, but not my mental body. All I want to do is hurt you. I want to see you writhe around in pain and scream for me to stop. I want to see your eyes roll back from the pain that I cause you. I want to watch the blood ooze from your body. And then I want to watch the life drain from your eyes in the end." I suck in a deep breath, trying to shove my fear back down my throat. He strokes my face and I turn my head to the side, trying to avoid his touch. His hand tightens on my thigh and I look back up at him, knowing that's what he wants me to do. He squeezes my thigh quickly then lets go, standing up.

"Well, I need to go and grab a few things before we start. I'll be right back baby." He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips. I wait until he leaves the room to start spluttering, trying to get the feel of him off of me. I sit in silence for a few minutes, preparing myself for what is about to happen while listening for any sounds outside of the door. I start to hear something dragging and things clinking against each other. I close my eyes, taking a deep breath then opening my eyes. I watch as Micheal walks into the room, his arms full with weapons. He is dragging the voltage charger along behind him, and is carrying his knife, the whip, the shock collar, and what looks to be pliers. I gulp, closing my eyes for a second then reopening them. He sets everything down then walks back over to me, smiling wickedly. He sits down again and starts stroking my arm absentmindedly, looking at my face.

"Well, I'm feeling a little bit generous. I am going to let you choose your first punishment. You will pick a weapon, and then the punishments will start. And there won't be a certain time frame or amount of times the punishment will happen. When I'm ready to stop, I will. Now, what's your choice?" I look over at all of the things, not wanting to pick any of them. I feel hands placed on my neck and I whip my head back to Micheal, trying to hide the panic in my eyes. He starts squeezing slightly, just enough to make me start taking deep breaths for air.

"You have 10 seconds to pick sweetheart. Or else I will pick for you. And I guarantee that you won't like it." He starts squeezing a bit harder and starts counting backwards. I run through all of the weapons in my head, trying to decide which one will be the least painful. The cuts will make me bleed, but it might not hurt the worse. The whip will be painful, but only for little bursts, then just an ache. The voltage charger will be absolutely awful, so definitely not that one first. The shock collar could last for a while, especially saying that I won't be able to tell when he is about to start, or when he will let go. And then the pliers don't look good at all, so I definitely don't want to start with that. I start choking for air, my eyes starting to water. Micheal is at 5 by now, and I know that I need to choose.

"I-I c-choose the k-knife." He lets go and I start gasping, tears starting to roll down my face involuntarily. He nods and stands up, walking over and grabbing the knife. He walks back towards me and I keep my eyes glued on the weapon, wanting to know when the first hit will come. He crouches down beside me, starting to trail the weapon over my body. My eyes lock on his and I don't look away, trying my best to look fearless. He gets to a point around my ankles and pushes down. I wince slightly but don't break eye contact, trying to ignore the searing pain in my ankle. He looks away first, looking down to where he is cutting me. Once he isn't looking I let the fear on my face show, still trying not to cry. He starts moving the knife in a circle, starting to make a spiral. I wince again, trying my best not to move. He finishes the spiral and looks back up at me. I don't have the time to hide the fear on my face and he smiles, moving on to the next ankle. He presses down harder this time and I yelp, the pain almost making my ankle move. He continues to press down roughly, carving the same spiral as he did on the other leg. He looks back up at me and this time I hide my fear, trying to push my confidence to the surface. He moves up my thigh, starting to trail the knife again, his eyes still locked on mine. Suddenly I see something click in his eyes and he stands up, still holding the knife. He walks over to the rest of his weapons and starts to mess with the voltage charger. He comes back with another short rope that I didn't notice before. He starts to untie my feet and I start to fight back, not knowing what is about to happen but not wanting it to happen. He turns his back to me and uses his knees to hold down my calves, making it so that I can't move as violently. I feel the rope leave my ankles and I try my best to start kicking my feet around, making it harder for him to accomplish his goal. Suddenly his elbow goes back and hits me in the chin, throwing my head back. I yelp, not expecting the movement. A tear slides down my face from the pain. I stop moving and he starts to work again. He maneuvers my legs so that my ankles are underneath the mattress, making it so that my thighs are more spread apart. He then ties my ankles together underneath the mattress, using the other rope to reinforce the restraint. He finally moves off of me and walks over to grab the knife. My eyes follow him in confusion, not understanding the reasoning behind his movement. He comes back over and sits right over my ankles, causing me to gasp out in the pain that comes along with that. He grins then starts to trail the knife along the inside of my thighs. I suddenly realize what he is going to do and I start moving my arms around as much as possible, wanting to make it so that he won't have a good place to start cutting. He suddenly moves the knife up to my wrists, right where the vein is. I instantly stop moving, not wanting him to accidentally cut the vein.

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