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"What do I need to do?" I asked him when I crawled back under the covers after cleaning up, "Illegal shit, I'm sure."

He didn't look at me as he scrolled his phone, "You're just a driver and I'll let you know it advance when a hit is coming up."

"What's wrong?" I asked him.

He stopped scrolling and turned to me, "I never should have brought you here, but it is what it is."

"I thought we were over this," I told him, "I'm here and that's all. You'll let me go soon, right? When the smoke has cleared?"

Tommy nodded, "Right."

I didn't believe him, but having him close to me made me feel oddly better and I loathed that feeling with a passion. I shouldn't have craved that so much—needed it even.

"The truth is what you really want," Tommy said, finally looking at me and placing his phone on the nightstand, "Lexi and Hazel never left."

"But I thought they just enjoyed this life," I said, flippantly.

Tommy narrowed his eyes, "They were born into it so it didn't take long for them to assimilate to us."

"How long, Tommy? How long am I going to have to do this?"

"Until I think Shane and Donnie aren't going to hurt you," He confessed, "They're assholes so who knows."

My stomach turned. It could very well be forever if they had their way.

"I understand that this is all crazy, but can you just trust me?" Tommy almost pleaded with me.

"How? Why?"

"Do I make you feel safe? Good?"

"Are these the questions you asked Lexi and Hazel?"

"Why?" He smirked, "You jealous?"


I had no clue why I was trying to get her angry. She was actually adorable when she tried to be mad at me.

"I am NOT jealous," She said, crawling back into the bed with me, "Can you not see how crazy all of this is?"

I shrugged. My life was different from Tori's and I understood that. She must have been doing mental gymnastics over what was happening. There wasn't much I could do.

"My dad is off this weekend so don't bother me," She said, rolling over to sleep, "Please."

"I know your schedule," I never said I wouldn't bother her, though.

"That's gonna help me sleep better," She said, softly, "Don't try anything while I'm sleeping."

"Tori, you've been more than willing so I don't have to,"I snarled, waiting for her to reply with something pulled from straight out of her sarcastic brain, but she was already sleeping. After a few minutes, she rolled over and was facing me again—still asleep. I couldn't help but watch her. I wanted to protect her, but I also wanted to corrupt her.

Maybe it was wrong. I mean, she'd lost her mother in such a brutal way. To know the person was still out there must have weighed on her mind all the time and here I was, not giving a fuck—or at least pretending like I didn't. Her dad had put most of my friends in jail, my family, he'd even been the one to crack the case against my dad and here I was—in bed with Tori Loomis.

I remember approaching Tori the day my dad was sent to jail. She was even more innocent than she was now—little braids down her back and a Hello Kitty t-shirt on. She was probably 13 or so and I shoved her into the locker. I don't like hitting women, I don't typically do unless they hit me first—sometimes I deserve it, but I was mad and I wanted my father and I didn't believe he killed anyone maliciously, but here she was—Tori fucking Loomis—all rainbows and sunshine and a nice life with both of her parents and a white picket fence... I hated her.

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